Chapter 1 *In the begining...*

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Amber POV


It was pain in my body spreading like a fire in a forest. I couldn't think straight, it was driving me crazy. I tried moving my finger to feel around. Nothing but snow? Wait I'm remembering something. Someone or something jumped me. They tore at my clothes hungrily and ripped at my....arm. MY ARM! I tried to move my right arm, it moved.


I moved my left arm, I winced as a shock of pain hit me. I realized that I was laying down in snow and I was freezing cold. I moved my head around to get a good look where I am. All trees every direction. As I tilt my head back I saw bright light and a building.

"I'm in the woods behind my house," I whispered.

All of a sudden I heard growling nearby. I pick up my head to see where the sound was coming from. Two wolves were fighting and growling at each other to my left. I tried to scream but it hurt to much because I was panicking inside. I couldn't find the words to speak. I tried to get up and run towards the building but my body wouldn't budge. I could only move my head and my right arm a little. My limbs feel like cement. Crap I'm going to get frostbite if I stay laying here.

Silver POV

What the heck is wrong with this idiot. Why would he attack this random girl. I turned my head just a little to look at the girl. I was standing between Paul and the girl. Wait is that a bite mark mixed with scratches on her left arm. I'm going to murder Paul when we get home. I looked back at Paul and stared hard at him hoping to melt a hole in his face.

I jumped on him and we wrestled. I aimed for his legs and his throat. Paul kept dodging out of the way and tried to get past me to the girl. Paul bit me on my back leg. I howled in pain and bit him back on his throat. After a few seconds, Paul let go of my leg and I let go of his throat. I could smell the blood on both of us and the girl who was slowly trying to get up but failed.

Paul looked at me and leaped pass me to the girl. I jumped up just in time to pull him down and pinned him to the ground. I started to growl at him. Something inside of me want to rip his throat out. Of course I can't because then I'll have to explain it to the rest of the pack of how he died. Also I don't want the girl to see it, it might give her nightmares, and I don't want to get more blood on her. Her parents might.......wait where are her parents?

Amber's POV

I watched in awe as the gray wolf pinned the light brown wolf to the ground. Just like that the gray wolf moved off and the light brown wolf ran towards the woods and disappears into the darkness.The gray wolf turned around and stared at me. I looked into it's eyes. They were so beautiful and were crystal blue,which I fell in love with. Then I heard footsteps coming from behind me. I could tell the gray wolf heard them too because it looked up. I tilted my head back and saw someone run towards me. I looked back at the gray wolf and watched it run into the woods. Then I felt myself get lifted up and carried to the building I saw earlier. As I got closer I could see that the building was my house.

I looked up at the person who was carrying me and saw it was my father.

"Amber stay with me,"said my father, "You're going to be just fine."

I felt a wave of heat hit me when we entered my home. My dad laid me down on the couch in the living room. He called for my mom and ran upstairs to get the first aid kit. My mom came running in the living room. I looked up at her and saw she had fresh and dried paint on her outfit. The smell of chemicals filled my nose.

My mother looked down at me and started to tear up. I tried to smile like nothing was wrong but the pain was to much. My mother sat on the floor next to me and held my hand. After a good minute my father came down stairs with the first aid kit. My mother got out of the way.

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