Chapter 11

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Here's a birthday chapter(⌒▽⌒)

Amber's POV

After nodding my head yes to Silver's question, the guys were betting money on me. It was me against Paul, trying to get the most kills. We had three rounds, Paul won the first due to me being rusty and the next round I won, so now we're on the last round and I believe I'm winning.

I glanced at the timer on the bottom left corner, we had one minute left. I looked up and got a head shot. As I was running around the map, I saw Paul's character and I shot him before he could see me. Then the game ended and it turned out I got the last kill. I looked over at Paul and smirked. I never seen him so mad mainly because I just met him but still.

"Good game.", I said placing the controller on the coffee table.

"You too.", he said with no emotion.

I got up from the couch and walked over to silver. He was holding the money that's now mine. He handed the money and smiled. As I put the money in my pocket, I looked over at the group of guys patting Paul's back and saying "maybe next time".

"Hey you want to go walk?", Silver asked.

"Sure let me check my phone just in case my parents texted me.", I said  while pulling my phone out of my pocket.

I looked down at my phone and saw a text from my mom.

Me and your father are going out for a bit. I made you a sandwich in the fridge for lunch. Love you - mom

I texted her back saying thank you and love you too. I looked up from my phone and said ready to Silver. Silver told Sam we will be right back. We started walking to the door and it was sunny out.

We walked down the stairs and into the woods. It was beautiful with all the snow on the branches and the crunching sound of the snow under our shoes. We found a small clearing and saw a group of deer. We stood there and watch as they just stood there eating and looking at their surroundings.

I looked over at Silver as he stared at the deers. As if he felt me look at him, he turned to me and smiled.

"This is pretty cool.", I whispered.

He nodded.

I looked back at the deer's and saw them walk back to the woods.

After the deer left we started walking into the clearing. After walking across the clearing we walked back into the woods. It was silent the whole time but it wasn't awkward, it was peaceful. We kept walking til we found a road. Across the road was a café. We crossed the road and went inside. We found a table and sat down. A waitress walked over to our table with two menu.

"Welcome, my name is Emma. So what would you like to have?", she asked with a pen and pad ready.

Silver surprised me when he said two hot chocolates. She smiled and walked away.

"I hope you like hot chocolate.", he said with a smile.

"I do, and I'll pay you back for my hot chocolate."

"Nah you don't have to."

I smiled at that because, it was so thoughtful of him. When our hot chocolate came, Silver and I talked and talked about anything and everything. It felt like for ever until we finished our hot chocolates and Silver got a text from Sam.

Hey the pack and I are going out for a run. You can bring Amber along.

Silver asked if i wanted to go. I told Silver I would love to. After silver texted sam on our way, paid for the drinks, we left and walked back to the house.

-----time lapse -------------

After running with the pack, which was fun, I got to meet the group of guys. We were all back in the house talking to one another. I glanced at the clock on the wall. It was 5:30 in the afternoon. I looked over to Silver and told him I had to go now.

"Oh ok well, will you be here tomorrow?", he asked.

I saw a hint of hope in his eyes and said yes. He jumped up and said "ok then I'll see you tomorrow". I hugged him and said good bye to everyone else. I walked to the back door and opened it to see the sun slowly about to set. I closed the door behind me and started walking.

After a few minutes of walking I found the back stairs to my house. I unlocked my back door and walked in.

"Mom dad I'm home."

I looked in the art room with no sign of my mom. I went upstairs to my parents room with no sign of my dad.

"I guess there not home yet."

I walked back downstairs and sat on the couch. I grabbed the remote and turned on the t.v. The news channel was on. I was about to change the channel till the news anchor started to talk.

The Ambulance is on the site of the crash. It looks like there are no signs of anyone surviving. But we were able to get information on the two victims. Here is a picture of the women and the man.

When I saw the photo I felt my whole body go num and my blood drained out of me. I sat there with tears slowly fall onto my cheeks and to my jeans. After a minute or two of trying to comprehend what I just saw, I screamed my head off and just cried my eyes out. My heart never felt like this before and it hurts so much. The pain was to much for me to bare. I stayed on the couch all night long and cried my self to sleep that night.

The next day

I woke up on the couch with my hair in a mess, my eyes all puffy and my heart still hurting from the pain. I got up and rubbed my eyes and looked around the room and saw a pillow soaked with my tears. I walked over to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. I saw a tear run down my cheek. I washed my face and left my hair in a mess.

I left the bathroom and walked back to the couch and cried my eyes out some more. I decided to stay home, away from everyone and lay on the couch. Till a knock was heard from the front door.
I'm going to be honest I cried a little while writing this. Also it was supposed to be 500 words but instead 1000 and something words.

Did you feel sad when Ambers cried to?

Were you expecting it?

Ok well I hope you enjoyed this long chapter


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