I'm here!!// Jenna!

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Okay so I'm Jenna, the other member of Hum The Melody! I'm going to be writing my part of this story, so let's get started.

I was born on November 8th, 2002 at a hospital. I was the only child of Brandi and Brian Boyer for about 2 years. Then my sister was born and throughout the years all three of my brothers came along. Yes, you heard that right folks I am the oldest of 5 kids! Alright so when I was in about 1st grade I was mildly depressed but didn't really show it. I refused to eat and you could see my rib cage through my shirt. A few years later I guess you could say I had "gotten over" my depression. I had started to write songs in 4th grade and I made little books and read a lot. I was being picked on by kids at that point because of how short I was or the vocabulary I had. Because I read so many books I had a large source of words to use. I had gained a little weight and people weren't very nice about it. I didn't really tell anyone about it.
In 6th grade I had experienced one of the worst days of my life happened. We all got home after school and my parents sat us all down and told us that our cousin, Donnie, had died that morning. He had been standing at the bus stop when about 4 drunk drivers were racing and hit him. He died on impact. After that I had begun to fall back into depression.
About 2 years later I was in 7th grade and decided to join the cross country team. That is where I met my 2 best friends that would eventually help me through a lot. Alec and Paige were their names (you just heard from one). Anyway, I lost weight during cross country but my grandma was still being quite rude about my weight. Alec and me had become the closest friends and she introduced me to a load of music that I probably wouldn't be alive right now without. I told Alec almost everything and she did the same. During cross country me and Alec decided to form a band. We called it Hum The Melody. As we were trying to form it we had our drummer quit and our bassist wouldn't ever show up. Eventually we got most of it sorted and we are only looking for a drummer.
After cross country had ended I became severely depressed. My parents were saying that I was a devil worshiper and my grandma was continually saying that I was fat or too skinny. I won't go into what happened after that. But I'm better now and I think you are all up to date. I apologize if I skipped around a bit but that's about it. Alright bye!!!

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