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Ok ok, so I'm nathan and I'm the bassist.im awkward And don't really write much so forgive me for my interesting capitalization. I was born on October 25 2001 in a hospital in Chicago, Illinois. I moved to Missouri and lived with my grandmother until I was three. My mom and I moved to Chicago again for a few years until she met the man that was soon to be my step dad. I've never met my biological father and I don't look forward to ever seeing him either. So anyway, we moved back to Missouri, somewhere near my grandmas house. That is the time I refer to as "The Birth Of Nathaniel" my new step dad was a bit of... Well not really a bit... He was an ass. He was abusive to me, my mom, and alcohol and cared nothing of his 5 year old son. It was at that age, that my emo phase started. I had begun to ignore my parents and the world in general. I hated everyone and everything. I didn't have the little fairy tale childhood most people get, where their parents protect them and give them whatever they want, no... I didn't get that. To be honest I'm not sure I wanted it either. Time skip 3 years since it was the same for that time. 9 years old, exactly two months after my birthday, which I celebrated alone with my grandma, who was really the only person who cared about me. I ran away from home. You could probably guess where I went, considering my grandma only lived a few minutes away. She understood the situation completely. She took my parents to court and won custody of me and my brother who I forgot to mention a few sentences back. She promised to give us back only once my mom and step dad went to rehab and got help. They got us back a few years later after both of my sisters were born. We moved back to Chicago for awhile. It was going quite well besides me having depression issues and doing stupid stuff. Then there was the accident. My mom, me and my sister were headed to my grandmothers house to visit and mom was drowsy looking. I was a bit worried about that maybe she had something to drink or maybe she was just really tired but about halfway there, on a windy road she passed out. I didn't notice until we didn't turn on an upcoming curve. I dove over to the drivers seat, not to save myself, but my sisters, because my brother wasn't there. I swerved the big SUV thing, I don't even know what a Durango counts as. Into a ditch, away from the big ominous cliff on the other side of the road, but unfortunately into a tree. I was the only one injured, which I didn't care about. Apparently I'd broken my collarbone. I checked to see if everyone was ok, I cared about people now. The police were called, and the last bit of Illinois I saw was the same hospital my life started in. Some DFS people moved me and my siblings to live with my aunt and uncle and there, I met some of the coolest people in the world and became a part of Hum The Melody.
Chapter over, you're welcome Jenna.

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