My Demons// Alec

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To be honest I really just wanted to make the title sound dark and mysterious.

Also, I needed to update.

Anyway, I will be answering a few questions today.

1. What is your biggest fear?

Well, I'm a scaredy cat, but I have to say I'm mostly afraid of myself. I am the main reason for the scars on my skin.

2. How did you meet the rest of the band?

(I'll go in order from when I met them)

Destiny: I met her because she had been having some troubles and I wanted to help. In return she helped my by simply standing there next to me and helping me smile.

Paige: okay, first off, is she still in the band? I don't think she wants to be ever since her mom started hating me (or when I met her mom that is). I met Paige when I joined CROSS COUNTRY!!! I hate running now, thanks a bunch Mr. V.

Jenna: at the time we REALLY HATED EACH OTHER. LIKE WITH A DEEP BURNING PASSION. Mostly because everyone wanted us to hate each other. (oh how I love society). Anyway, her and Paige were friends I think. I was running really slowly, 'cause I'm a turtle, and she was also running very slowly, we're turtle buddies, so I decided to help her by telling her some advice. She had started cross country after everyone else simply because she wanted to be Valedictorian. I, on the other hand, joined because I'm FAT. LIKE REALLY FAT. But we helped each other out and stuff. After that we were closer than potatoes.

3. Do you ever just go into the closet and pretend you're a potato?


4. What do you want to do if the band fails?


No but seriously, if this band fails (it won't) then I guess I could become a writer.

Who am I kidding I suck at writting!!!

I'd just be a hobo.

5. What is your spirit animal?

Um... A dolphin or a potato.

6. Do you like the q&a stuff?

Yes indeed. If anyone has any suggestions I'd be happy to make another!!!

Or make Jenna do one.

Latstly, 7. What is your happiest childhood memory?

Oh, God do I even have one?






No I don't think I have one?

Pfft... Thats lame.

I think the discovery of YouTube was my favorite memory...

Meeting Satan???


The answer is discovering YouTube.


Thanks so much for reading!!! I wish I could answer these better but... Meh, whatever.


Also be sure to check out me and Jenna's main accounts!!!

Me @PanicAtTheFallOut32

Jenna blueskyz02

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