Deep Thought-Treat Yoself

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Ok, this is in retaliation to a lot of people in my life right now, including myself.

If you saw my message board post, I'm sick right now. Really sick. As in, didn't-go-to-school sick. That's a big deal for me because I'm a pretty dedicated student (this one time, I went to school for two weeks with mono. Yes. I'm crazy). But the thing is, there are lots of other people like me that push themselves even further than I do.


Your health is really actually quite important, especially with things like stress making it worse. So relax! Drink water! GET SLEEP! As in, AN ABUNDANCE!!!

I understand that I'm probably a hypocrite for telling you this while I myself have little to no sense of self-preservation, but I consider that a fault of mine and am working on changing it.

Now go forth and be healthy.


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