Entry for @TheNewEclipse

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Entry for TheNewEclipse's art contest!

This is an OC I made up just now! I based her backstory off of the fandom League of Legends.
Name: Masacrite
Age: ?
Height/weight: once you get close enough to know... She kills you
Birthplace: the void
Description: dark pink skin (she was supposed to, but the app was being weird), dark green eyes, huge mouth full of fangs, octopus tentacles (didn't have enough space)
Weapon: double crescent blades
Enemies: Vel'Koz and Vayne
Friends: Kha'zix and Varus
Other: embodiment of massacre

BTW NEXT CHAPTER IS PART 100!!! WHAT SHOULD I DO FOR A SPECIAL CHAPTER?!?!?!?!?!?!? Jsjshshdjdjdbdjdjdjbddj! This is exciting!

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