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I was tagged by Crystalwolf2319
Rules are
1. Tag 15 people when done
2. State 13 facts about you
3. Answer the 13 questions given to you
4. Come up with 13 different questions

I love snakes with a burning passion
I hate arrogant people with a burning passion
I hate hockey with a burning passion
I love volleyball and basketball with a burning passion
I will kill every insect on this planet
I hate elevators with a burning passion
I want to be a doctor when I grow older, sadly I need I higher average then i already have, but that is because of DAMN French and Health and Career
I hate French class and Health and career with a burning passion
I love saying "with a burning passion" with a burning passion
I'm an atheist
I'm Canadian and I swear a lot and I'm not that nice
Super shy until you get to know me
I'm super self-conscious about my art

Favourite book:
The Daughter of Smoke and Bone series
Favourite video game:
Mortal Kombat X
Favourite Fanfiction:
Novelninja  Percy Jackson Truth or Dare book
Do I wear glasses:
Favourite colour:
Green or black
Favourite video game character:
Mileena from MKX
Favourite TV show:
Greys Anatomy
Favourite movie:
Pitch Perfect (STFU it's a good movie!)
What fictional world do you want to live in:
Pokèmon, Avatar the last air bender, Percy Jackson
Biggest fear:
Fucking, elevators!!! I hate them! I will send them back to the Hell it came from!
What fictional character is most like me:
What colour is my room:
Light green
Favourite animal:

My questions:
Do you like drawings?
Do you like reading?
Favourite Wattpadian?
If you could be any animal, what would it be?
What superpower do you want?
What's your biggest pet peeve?
What's your celebrity crush?
Who do you hate the most?
What's your favourite saying?
Do you have a crush? ;-)
Do you like writing?
What do you want to be when your older?
What do you think of me?

I tag thee following
BTW WHO REQUESTED THE DEMON CAT? I want to make sure it wasn't a dream!

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