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I wasn't tagged by derpytoaster ,but I want to do t anyways. Some of these obviously don't apply to me.
Do you sleep in a bra?
Yes, yes I do
In all seriousness I obviously don't
Are you short?
I'm actually 5"7' and I'm 12. So I'm pretty tall.
Do you like drama?
I LOVE it when people start hurting each other over something stupid
Have you ever been depressed?
Not diagnosed, but I have definitely felt that way sometimes
Was your relationship a mistake?
You mean the ones that don't exist?
Taken or single?
I have never been taken and probably won't be dating a guy/girl for a very long time
Where do you want to be right now?
Bathing in the blood of my enemies...
(Probably Greece)
Zodiac Sign?
Coke or Pepsi?
I hate everything fizzy
Vanilla or chocolate?
Hehehe... 135 pounds... I'm 12... I'm overweight... But it doesn't show, so I'm happy!!!
Middle name?
Do you want kids?
My parents say I have to because they want grandkids... But I do want kids, so yes
How many?
2 boys, 2 girls
Do you think you are good looking?
I think that when I try I can be, but since I'm lazy as shit my hair looks fricked up which makes me look fricked up, so sometimes
Longest relationship?
I have been best friends with my best friend since I was born, so 12 years.
I have never dated anyone
Last book you read?
On wattpad: derpytoaster Contest book
In real life: Dreams of Gods and Monsters by Laini Taylor (literally the best book ever! It is the trequel and it has made me cry three times ;-; )
Favourite subject?
Math and science... I'm a nerd
Favourite super hero?
Brimstone from Daughter of Smoke and Bone... He has no powers other than resurrection and he doesn't fight, but he is the best thing that has ever lived (in a book), but he is dead, so... Ya ;-;
Or Maximum Ride
Favourite villain?
Gaea or Gaia from the Heroes of Olympus series
Describe your life in one song:
F*cking Perfect by P!nk (it is actually a very meaningful song) or Raise Your Glass by P!nk

I tag anyone who wants to

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