Chapter 1

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This chapter is dedicated to my lovely friend TheLovelySilence for being the amazing writer and person she is.Thumbs up to her two-shot 'Wildest Dreams'.Read it,its amazing..Next update will be next week  if i try not to be tooooo lazy which i am.

Zayn Malik shuffled his hands deeper into his jacket pockets trying to get them warm.He just had worked an extra two hours at the diner so he could get some extra cash and now he was so tired that all he wanted to do was to fall in his bed and sleep for the rest of the week.He stopped in front of the chinese restaurant which had an incredibily confusing chinese name which he couldn't even pronounce properly.He opened the door surprisingly finding his younger sisters Waliyah and Saffa sitting at the table at the corner playing some card game.Thats a shocker,ever since his mum had started working here she had to bring both his sisters here beacuse if she left them in the flat alone they would burn down the whole flat like literally but even here both his sisters would be running around the restaurant,screaming while the customers gave them deathly glares .Zayn trugded down to the table they were sitting on putting each his hand on each of their foreheads.

'You both okay?'He asked frowning.

'Yeah ,Zee we are fine,the,restaurant manager promised to pay us $5 each if we stay calm and don't get into trouble'Waliyah said swatting Zayn's head off her forehead.

'And who can say no to $5'Saffa added grinning.

Zayn rolled his eyes'Where's Mum?'Zayn asked

Waliyah pointed to the kitchen door concentrating hard on her cards.He turned around walking to the kitchen realizing what Drama Queens his sisters could be.He opened the kitchen door finding hs mother running around franticaly,God knows trying to do what not even realizing what Zayn had just walked in.

'Umm,Mum'Zayn said out loud.

'Saffa,really i don't have time to solve one of your and Waliyah's arguements'

'Mum'Zayn said again.His mum turned around.'Oh,Zayn'She said' I thought it was your sister, anyways how was work'Zayn's mother was rather a cheerful woman and a very pretty one too.No matter how hard life was for her nowadays she was careful to keep her children happy in everyway possible.

'It was fine but I thought you were supposed to get free earlier today'Zayn said leaning against the counter almost whining about how his mother hadn't kept her promise.

'Oh I am sorry sweetheart'His mother said apologetically 'but today half of the delivery guys took an off and work got loaded and I still hav to delivet this to.......'She stopped mid sentence and Zayn knew what was to come

'Zayn,honey can you deliver this'

Zayn didn't  reply just giving his mum'I KNEW YOU WOULD DO THAT LOOKS'

'Zayn hun please, you can keep the tip'His mother offered.

Zayn groaned picking up the packed food.

'The adress and bill is in the shopping bag'His mother called after him.

 A cold gush of air again hit Zayn's face as he stepped out of the restaurant.He groaned once again before looking at the adress and walking towards his destination.After he had walked some distance he realised he had just come infront of the cafe where his elder sister,Doniya worked asa receptionist.He peered inside finding his sister busily counting the money.He decided not to disturb her walking further.Both him and Doniyah did part time jobs so they could pay for their college fee.According to both of them their jobs sucked,it didn't even pay enough to fill the whole fee and mostly their mother had to add some money but then their mothers words rung in their ears'Something is better than Nothing'

Zayn stopped in his tracks realisig he had reached his destination.Man the house was huge,it wasn't even a house ,it was like a mansion.Zayn was about to ring the bell when the door burst open and a girl around the same age as Zayn stomped out of the house meaning mansion.She was very pretty,slim and tall,red haired and oceanic blue eyes but considering she was very angry her nostrils flared and her vein was bobbing out she looked rather scary to Zayn.

'What do you want?'she screamed right in Zayn's face.

Zayn was taken aback 'I just.............'He was cut off by the redhead.

 'I don't care you know why?Cause i am too stupid to realise what i do.And he is right cause I was stupid to date him,idiot Harry Styles 'She siad stomping off and slamming the door close.

While Zayn was still trying to process what the hell just happened,he rung the bell waiting for a response.

'Who is this'A thick voice said from the other side.

'I have your order ,sir'Zayn replied.

'Wait a minute'The voice said.

Zayn stood there tapping his foot on the ground.A few minutes later the voice surfaced again.'Come in'.The door flung open.Zayn peeked inside.A muscular man was standing holding the door open for Zayn.Huge house,rich people,tight security Zayn guessed.Why the hell are they asking him to come inside,why don't they just take the order,give him the money and lrt him go.....Zayn thought.

Inside the house a curly ,green eyed man was pacing around the living room looking quiet pissed off.The house was even bigger from inside and all the stuff there...woah.Zayn was distracted when someone cleared his throught.Zayn found the curly standing infront of him with a raised eyebrow.

'Your order,sir'Zayn said

'Your the delivery guy?'The curly asked

'Yeah...........'Zayn replied

'So who let you inside'

'The security guard told me to come inside'Zayn said very unsure what was going on.

The curly groaned.'I thought it was.......Whatever,how much?'

'HUH?'Zayn asked.

'How much for the order?'the curly asked surely frustratred.

'Ummm' Shit ,Zayn had forgot to check the bill.

The curly groaned again quickly taking a bunch of money out of his wallet and shoving it in Zayn's hand taking his food from Zayn.'Keep the change'He said before turning around and disappearing into an other room.

Zayn turned around clearly confused walking out of the house.

WOW,that was wierd............

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