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Zayn Malik plopped down on the couch in his living room.He sighed,all he has been doing nowadays is work,work and work.He picked up the remote from the dusty coffee table before surfing through the channels looking for something to watch.The apartment where he lived with his family was rather small compared to the size of the Maliks.There were only two rooms  in the apartment   causing Zayn to share the room with his younger sisters which could be annoying sometimes,OK scratch that,most of the times while his mum and elder sister shared the other one.There was just one bathroom resulting in a chaos and fight every day when all of the Malik siblings would be getting late and needed the bathroom urgently.The kitchen was of a bare able size with a stuck up window which Zayn's mum had tried to open in every way possible but had given up after days of unsuccessful tries.The living room was by far the most better place in the apartment.Zayn's Mum had tried to make it as comfortable and homie as possible.She had painted the walls in a light baby  blue colour with a cream coloured couch place in the middle of the living room.There was a coffee table and a small television too.There were pictures hanging on the walls all around the room.The pictures mostly of Zayn and his sisters when they were toddlers.There was also a picture from  Waliyah's recent birthday,a  picture of both Zayn and Doniya from each of their's graduation day and one of Zayn's mom when they had gone over to Zayn's grandparent's and decided to have a barbecue.The whole family was there except one person:

Zayn's Dad.

Everything was absolutely fine in Zayn's life.His parents were an ideal couple and the best parents a child could ever have.They were supportive and caring in every way possible even when Zayn was had found out he was gay after developing a crush at a guy in school and later Zayn had felt stupid for thinking that his parents would hate him and throw him out of the house.All in all,they were a happy family but everything had changed when Zayn's Dad's best friend had started hitting on Zayn's Mum.Things  got awkward and fights had began until Zayn's parents decided they have had too much and ended up getting a divorce.Zayn had moved in this apartment with his Mum and sisters.  His Dad had completely stopped talking to them ,moving to a new city in hopes of forgetting the past which consisted of his wife and four children.

The front door slammed shut and Zan turned around finding his sister taking her coat off.

'Hey'Zayn said looking back at the tele.

'Hey'Doniya replied before throwing her shoes off and walking towards the couch plodding down beside Zayn.She closed her eyes ,taking a deep breath  and stretching her legs.

'I thought you were supposed to come home early today.'Doniya opened her eyes looking at her brother  on whom almost all of her friends drooled over and kept telling her how unlucky she was because she would never be able to see how sexy her brother really is. Doniya would keep telling them that they were older than him and to keep their hands off her baby brother.

'Yeah I was but then this...'She paused sitting properly before continuing'This very rich and very very handsome guy,Harry Styles,HE-IS-SUCH-A-CHEAT'

Zayn raised his eyebrow partially at the familiar name and partially at his sister's totally opposite answer to his question.

'SOOO,what is that...'

Before he could finish Doniya cut him off.'He books the whole restaurant every week or so,pays for an extra romantic setting and brings a totally different girl with him every  time.One of my friend works in th club where Harry goes every night and she told me that  every night Harry finds a hot girl'he flirts with her,asks for a dance and at the end him and the girl leave the club together.If the girl is lucky it ends with a one night stand but if she is not they end up dating,he showers money at the girl and when he gets bored with her he dumps her.'Doniya took a deep breath after her long speech.'Idiot,thinks a girl's heart is something to play with'She muttered before taking the remote from Zayn's hand changing the channel.

Zayn looked away from  his sister.He had spend the whole past day thinking about his plan,not sure what to do and how to handle thing but now as his sister had brought up the topic of Harry Styles,The plan resurfaced.He stood up turning towards his sister who gave him a confused look.

'I'm goin  over to Perrie's,I'de come back late.Tell Mum OK?'

Doniya nodded 'OK fine,Bye'

Zayn picked up his coat  which he had previously abandoned on the floor,slipping it on and walking out of the house.

He practically ran through the streets as the inner battle in him continued.He stopped reaching the familiar house'taking a deep breath before ringing the bell.

The door opened a few minutes later revealing Zayn's blonde friend.

'Hey Zayn'She beamed'What's up?'

'Hey' Zayn replied'Can I come in?'

Perrie frowned at her raven haired friend's worried tone.

'Yeah sure.'She said stepping aside so Zayn could come in.Zayn got i the house and Perrie closed the door before turning around looking at Zayn.

'Pez'Zayn started'I need a favour....'





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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2013 ⏰

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