Chapter Ten

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Today. Today Emmi was supposed wake up and smile. She didn't. Insted, she almost died. Again. The doctors say four more weeks. If she isn't awake by then, she'll never awake again. When we went home, I pushed my five year old brother away. I stormed to my room.
I lay with dried tears on my face. My room had changed so much. Instead of pink walls, they were a sea blue. I have posters of my new favorite band, The Newborn Stars , (They really aren't a band btw). I had gotten over my obsession with Taylor Swift. I stead of my pink bed, I had a bunk, a bed on top and a desk on the bottom. I have a new white dresser/desk to do make up. Mom won't let me wear make up on a daily basis, but she got me it for when I can. I have a dark blue book shelf and a white pretty couch. Everything has changed so much. I start to miss how things used to be. Happy awake Emmi, a married mom and dad, non-depressed brother, baby Dax, funny little Brock and a happy, free, sassy little Avia. I sigh. Life has changed so much. I stuff my face in my pillow. I sob again. I stop crying when I realize Gavin had been standing there the whole time. He walked to my spot on my couch. He doesn't say a word ad he hugs me. I put my head on his shoulder.
"I miss her too."Gavin says
"I know" I say.
"We gotta be brave for mom. We have to step up our game Ave," He lifted my chin up, "Be that Avia with those creative combacks and sassy smiles. Put on a brave face, because I can't bear to sit in this so girly room! It's killing me!" He says with a smile.
"Yea, Yea talk all you want you pretty pretty princess." I say with a smirk.
"Oh, it's on now PRINCESSTARD" Gavin takes my ipod as he runs out of my room.
"Gavin! Come back!" I shout. I run after him, with a smile.

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