Gravity falls Ended

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OMG,OMG,OMG(spoiler alert and also crazy fangirl alert).
The ending to gravity falls was well in a was mysterious and heart wrenching just as Alex Hirsch always makes the episodes.
I almost cried when Stanley had his moment (actually I did).I mean that was just awful watching mabel cry.Despite how good that episode was I come here to tell of a theory that maybe or possibly we might get more gravity falls.
I mean Alex can't posibly leave us with that ending.I mean yes he can sort of .We can defintley guess what happens with Stan and Ford along with mabel and dipper.Despite bills supposed inevitable death I still beleive he's alive and have theories on why
.Well bills supposed to be a being of pure energy and we'll energy can not be created or destroyed.So possibly bills still alive if Alex Hirsch played by the rules of physics. On another note with Bill being able to regenerate wouldn't he be able to regenerate with Stan gaining his memories back well because it almost seemed as if bill became a memory.I dont know If that made since..but I still beleive bills alive.
Anyway let me stop trying to hope that bill made it put alive.Yeah so I beleive there will be a return of gravity falls" next summer".Yes this was the series finale but what if a spinoff series was kicked up abut Stan and fords adventures or perhaps mabel and dippers return to gravity falls.The possbilities are endless so I'll stop here.Yeah anyway I loved the ending of gravity falls and can't wait to see journal 3 in stores and perhaps another glimpse of gravity falls in the future.
So bye
And I forgot to mention it but I'd like say that anybody who watched please share your thought on bills death,Stan and ford,a new series and all that in coments below.

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