February 12th, 2016

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Hey guys. First entry. Today was a much calmer day than usual. At school, the S team of my middle school, which is a New Tech Network team(Google it), went on a field trip. FIELD TRIP!! Anyway, we went to a butterfly place. The cover image is a picture I took while there. Yes, that is a moth. I know. It's based on moths and butterflies, sorry. Correction. As I was saying, my friends Zi and Thia are on the S team as well, so we hung out a bit. Zi and I were the geniuses there. The presentation was amazing, and the tour was beautiful. There was a 'butterfly wing', probably pun intended, and a flower area. The cover pic is from the Butterfly Wing. I was really excited. When we went back to the room the presentation was in to eat lunch, we sat on the floor. Thia and I started to talk about some of her friends. I am currently dating one of them, and some-what cheating on him. Another guy is flirting with me, and I'll occasionally flirt back. He's weird though. He has literally licked me... But my boyfriend's dog is so adorable!! Anyway, we were talking about her friend Earl Jack as we call him. He always acts like he owns the world. Her friend Levi, who loves cats and even acts like one, put little cat ears on Earl Jack. Levi's an adorable goofball. We were talking about that, and we soon moved on, and Zi and one of Thia's friends, who I don't know the name of, were really confused. They didn't know the others. On the bus ride back to school, I was texting Thia a bit. I've recently been thinking about changing my sex, from female to male, but I'm worried about what my mom would say. I'm only 12 after all... I'm nowhere near brave enough to talk to my mom about it though. I texted Thia asking what she would do if I did that, and she said she wouldn't mind. She's so sweet~. So, I'll update you guys later, when something happens. I just thought I should get today up since I made the diary today. Thanks, and leave support! Also, if you didn't see, Thia's Wattpad is RRRainbowDash

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