Chapter 2

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I sat in the attic for hours, wondering where I was, and how I possibly got here. I tried to think of the last thing I did before I woke up, but I didn't go out anywhere; I spent the night with Liam again and we watched a movie. A tear came to visit my eye, but I pushed it away because I wanted to keep strong. If I couldn't keep my composure in this place, then it was guaranteed that I'd never escape. I just wanted this whole day to be a dream.

I got up and searched around in the darkness. There were multiple boxes with things in, but I couldn't feel what these objects were due to it being pitch black. The attic was extremely musty and hot. At times I thought I could hear breathing beside me, but nothing was there.

Feeling desperate to go to the toilet and not wanting to wet myself, I slowly opened the tiny door until there was enough room for me to get out. The chair was gone which made my heart pound so fast that it felt as though it was in my throat. I swung from the opening and thought of how I could land on the floor without being heard; I dropped and crouched on my knees. I crept out of the bedroom, and snuck over to the bathroom door and went in. As I sat on the toilet I felt a sense of dread, knowing how vulnerable I was at this point. I pulled my jeans up frantically and looked to my right, seeing a window that was covered by blinds.

I pulled them back and saw my reflection in the window, but as I did I began to hear somebody walking slowly up the stairs. I kept hearing footsteps, but I didn't see anyone to join them, so I forced my head around a wall and looked down the stairs; no-one was there. I took this opportunity to go down stairs for a while to see more of the place, but more importantly to try to get out. I crept down the stairs slowly, not wanting to stand on a creaky step as that would instantly attract attention. As I got closer to the bottom of the stairs, I began to hear voices coming from the direction of the room I woke up in.

The talking then turned into shouting, which then fired up into glasses being smashed and loud banging sounds which I assumed meant somebody was fighting. I still had the knife in my hand and didn't want to waste another second so approached the door of the room I heard the shouting coming from. I walked up to the door and twisted the handle slowly.

I walked in to see two people standing there, mid-sentence, a broken glass in one of their hands. They both turned their heads slowly, and were now facing me.

"Let me go" I said firmly. "Get out"! Shouted a man. "I will when you let" I was cut off. "Get the f*ck out now"! He shouted once more, his voice making me tremble.

I ran out and shut the door behind me. I didn't know what to do. I didn't know what was happening. I suddenly remembered the girl in the bed, so I ran up the stairs and creeped around the second bedroom door.

"Hello"? I said quietly. "Come in". said a small voice. I walked in the room slowly, closing the door behind me. "Sit down chick don't be scared" said the girl. She looked like hell. She had blonde messed up hair with scratches on her face, one of her eyes looked red and damaged.

"Why am I here?" I asked firmly. "For Karl" she replied, as though I already knew who this person was.

"Who's Karl?" I responded, sounding confused at this point. The girl lifted her eyes slowly, her pupils meeting mine but not responding to my question. I began to feel irritated, not knowing how much time we had left to escape. "Look, I don't know where I am. I am cold, hungry, tired and my head is messed up I just want to go home. There's a window in the bathroom and it looks so simple to get out of but-"

I was cut off. Again. "Look, I know you're sad and angry but there is no way out". "The windows!" I shouted, "the fucking windows!".

"I've done it before" she replied, "you get out there and it's all water. Past the fences are wires then water. Its literally a house on water". "How long have you been here?" I asked, a twisted expression on my face. "A few years now".

"What happens out here, what does he do?". "He, he sells our bodies." She burst into tears. I comforted her for a while, but the sound of her sobbing expired when sudden banging noises came from the stairs. Someone was coming.

The girl jumped out of her bed and pushed me to the wall.

"Get in the wardrobe" she demanded. "But I-" "Just get in"!

So now not only was I scared, confused, and feeling like shit, I was now locked in a wardrobe to top it all off. I heard the girl get in her bed and then the door opening. I heard a voice saying something and then it sounded as though someone was being dragged across the floor. I couldn't just sit in here and let this happen, so I pushed the wardrobe door open with my shoulder until the wooden lock snapped and climbed out.

She was gone.

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