Breaking more than hearts

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I woke up in a dark room, why was i here?

"H-hello"? I said

"W-w-what? Whos there?"

"Helen its me, Tori"

"Oh my god what happened? where are we?"

"I dont know Helen, its pitch black and obviously we were bought back here by Karl."

"Okay, were tied up so letes try and get out"

We wriggled and tried but nothing was any use whatsoever, i even got my nails to try and wear the rope down but nothing worked. 

"Oh come on Helen this is no use! We'll die down here you know that?"

"Shutup Tori for gods sake you are so negative all of the time!"

"Well maybe its because im tired and cold, hungry, without my family , what am i meant to do eh? You want me to dance around ill try, oops i forgot we are tied up by some mental guy named Karl!"

"Well state the obvious Tori!"

"Im done with you Helen you p*ss me off so much i could kill you!"

"And you would know all about murder wouldnt you Tori, Did you forget or something? Just days ago you killed an old lady"

"Shut the hell up o-okay? That was you if you can remember straight"

"Look i-i-"

I cut her off.

"Be quiet Helen, dont try and apologize to me, apologize to yourself."

There was a long silence, not an awkward silence but a silence where i knew that Helen understyood me and she backed down a little like she needed to. You know, even though she always tried to be happy she always bought me down.

Eventually i dropped off to sleep, i dreamed i was back home with everyone. Mum, baby, the boys and everything was o.k. It wasnt a normal dream though. I was in a big picture looking at old times. Captured times that fade away when your their in seconds. History.

I suddenly was woken up by Helen and she jumped up frantically.

"I did it Tori i did it! Were free from eachother."

She ran towards me and gave me a hug. Exactly what i needed right now.

"Im sorry" She whispered

"Me too." I replied

We let go of eachother with a smile on our faces and started to think of what to do. We could see a little bit as we were now used to the pitch black darkness but nothing was very clear. Soon enough though our smiles were wiped right off our faces as the door swung open and then we knew that we were in the cellar and Karl was at the top of the steps. 

He had something in his hands.

"Awe girls isnt that sweet eh? Freed yourself now what are you little flees going to do?"

I could feel something building up in my stomach, it pushed its way up to my throat and finally i opened my mouth.

"F*CK OFF YOU MENTAL B*STARD!" I screamed and ran towrds him.

"TORI NO WAIT!!" Helen shouted

All i could see what him i didnt know what i was going to do but i couldnt stop myself. I ran up the steps, I was going to claw his filthy eyes out.

I was just about to launch for his rat face when all of a sudden he threw a person at me that he had been holding in his arms and with that i tumbled down the stairs. 

"One, two, three, four, five and more" He said and laughed

I was screaming when i hit the floor.

"Tori get up! Get off of her!!" Helen shouted and dragged me off of the poor girl i was crushing.

"Oh my god i think shes dead"

Tears filled my eyes and i couldnt hold it in i let them gush down my face.

"Ch-check for hear pulse" I shouted

Helen layed her head down on the girls chest and checked for a pulse and then sat up

"Well"!? I shouted

"Sh-she's-" Helen stuttered

"She's what Helen tell me!" I interupted

"Alive" She said calmy and slaumed on the floor

"Thank you god" I looked up at the ceiling

"Who the f*cks god?" Helen said sounding confused

"What?" I replied feeling confused myself

"There isnt any god up there Tori"

"I know that Helen, but hes the only person i can thank now" I replied

"What about me"

"Helen i cant thank you enough for how you have helped me stay strong but we aint getting anywhere" I stated

"So now its my fault then."

"No! No! never ever think that Helen. Its Karls fault"

"Good" She added and then we left the conversation at that before it got violent

"Where am i"? A quiet voice said

we had clearly been to busy arguing to notice thgat the girl had awoken.

"Hey sweetie are you ok?" I said softly

"No not really my neck really hurts i dont think i can move" She looked at Helen

"Okay you dont need to hun stay right there okay"

"Okay" she replied and with that she put her head down and Helen kept her awake by asking her simple questions.

I walked over to the wall and clicked the light on making the whole room light up. I looked at where the cellar window was and a big cupboard had been placed in front of it. 

"Wow Karl really knows how to keep us flees out of the hair doesnt he Hel" I said sarcastically

"Yeah he sure does" She said and then looked back down at the girl.

This was definatly our escape route but its probably safest to stay down here for the night anyway...

Soo, sorry for the big old lady mess up!":& Please comment and vote i really appreciate it!! xxx

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