Back to square one

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We all walked into the house, i felt really sick.

"I think that i have swallowed a little too much saltwater" I said

"Haha, yeah i bet you have too" Added Helen sarcastically

"Im so cold you guys, Helen havnt you got any towels here?" Said Masie sounding disteressed as usual

"Yeah yea, sure upstairs" Helen replied

"Thanks!" Masie replied and scuttleds upstairs

Me and Helen both walkied into the front room and sat down on the sofa, everything had been left how it was since Karl last came here; The secret door was open leading to what looked like a dark gloomy death hole and a bloodmark from when Hlen got flung at the wall and banged her head.

"I hate this place." I said to Helen

"Yep, so do i but this is the place that i have been calling home for tjhe past couple of years" She said listing her eyebrow on every word.

We heard a banging coming from the stairs and we knew that it was Masie so we didnt get worried, Masie burts into the front room shivering and threw me and Helen a grey towel each.

"Thanks" Me and Helen said at the same time making us giggle.

We all sat their in silence, we didnt know what to say to eachother and to be honest i was only just realsising what was acctaully going on in my life at the moment. I had been missing for a long time now, my heart felt like it had stopped when i thought of what mum would be thinking right now...


A couple of hours later when we were all dry someonme finally said something.

"C'mon then chidds, lets get to bed" Helen said getting up and dropping her towel on the floor

"Okay, we need a good rest" I added

we all ran up the stairs and it felt like i was back home again, running upstairs from the 'boogey monster' But suddenly all of my thoughts we crushed when i tripped up one of the steps and smashed my face on the floor.

Tears started to pour from my eyes as i notice blood gushing out of my nose, had i broken it?

"Oh my god, Masie go into the bathroom theirs a first aid kit" Helen said moving me down the stairs again

"O-o-o-oh my god, h-h-have i b-broken it?" I asked hardly getting my words out.

"I cant tell yet, when i have cleaned it up i will have a good look but i think that you would be in a lot more pain if you had broken it." Helen said reassuringly

When Masie finally came down the stairs she handed Helen the green fisrt aid kit box already oepened and Helen quickly got to work, she started with wet wiped clearing the blood from my face and then so on with the rest of the things.

"Ready for the verdict?" Helen said giving me s sheepish look

"No not really, but thanks for rescuing me" I replied

"Its okay smash face, and you will be glad to know that you havnt broken your nose you just burst a vessel somehow, you went down with a thud though so you got off lucky."

"Wow that was lucky"

"Yeah, lets get to bed now and no running up them stairs okay?"

I smiled at Helen and walked slowly and steadily up the stairs and sat on the doubl;e bedf which was now dry too and waited for Masie to get in so that i could lie down and go to the land of nod for a good nights sleep.

When they both got in and it was all lights out i struggled to get to sleep, i walked around the house, i knew that i had something on my mind but i just couldnt think of what it was. Thats when it hit me, Karl. Had he noticed that we had gone? I ran to the top bedroom window that was facing his house and all of the lights were on. I checked my watch and it was 2:00 am. Why would he be awake this early?

I ran over to the girls who were sleeping aoundly and started shaking them violently.

"Get up! Karls awake we need to hide somewhere" I shouted

Helen woke up slowly and then got up looking starteled

"What do you mean hes awake?"

"Look!" I shouted and started to wake the deep sleeper Masie up

"Youre right he is, we need to hide."

"But where?"

"In the cellar"


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