Chapter 2

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Zipping through the grass back into the woods, dodging trees left and right. Nearing the hunting ground, most animals wouldn't have noticed the smell, but Aera's sense off smell is much more incredible than an average animal.

"Raymond hold on a second." Aera said to the fox, both of them still running.

Slowing down the two came to a stop at the hunting grounds, a wide open field that spanned about two and half miles. A breeze blew across the field and Aera lifted her snout up into the air.

"What is it, what do you smell out there Aera." Raymond quietly asked.

"It is a unknown animal, they've never been in the woods before so I've not got a clue what it is." she replied.

Slowly the two stalked out into the field to try and find the unknown animal. The moon lit up the entire area, making the grass glisten. It was silent enough for a mouse to be heard by either of the two.

A slight breeze from the nearby village brought the scent along with it.

"It's an animal from the village Raymond, we can't hurt it." Aera whispered.

"Well then we need to find it and get it back to the village." Raymond replied.

"Raymond, do you think you can find the animal without me?" Aera asked as she started towards the village.

"Just one animal no problem at all." he said.

Aera nodded slightly and headed to the village. The village itself was a rather big one but the space that was housing was found in only one small part.

Aera's first place to check was the home of a family she helped get through the woods long ago before the village was made.

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