Chapter 1

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A dim moonlit night of fog and silence. The wildlife settled quieting down for the night. The rabbits went to their dens, the squirrels to their trees and the birds to their various nests among the treetops. Even the bears calmed and went to their den for a deep slumber.
All was calm in the forest, all except for a single wolf running through the wooded maze to an opening with a single rock perched high above a pool of water.

As the wolf neared the water for a drink, she spotted a lone fox across the water and the noticed her.

"Good evening Raymond" the wolf said to the fox.

"Good evening to you too Aera, its odd seeing you out this late, Did the Alpha give you a break from being denmother tonight?" the fox Raymond replied to Aera.

"Aye, he's had a little change of heart recently and though I don't know why, I won't question it."

"Well if that's the case why not us have a friendly race eh? From here to the hunting grounds and back, as long as that's okay with you." Raymond teased, knowing Aera loves races.

"Oh you're on little boy." she growled playfully making her way over to Raymond.
She lined up with the much smaller fox who's eyes shone with determination.

"Three... Two... One... Go!" they counted and then they were both gone in an instant.

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