Chapter 7

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The quiet winds blew across the plains, picking up sand here and dropping it off there. A few dead tree branches sank into the ground where quicksand lay as well as some unidentifiable animal corpses scattered throughout the plains.

Pantera laid a paw down in the sand, letting it surround his paw.
His face held a stern look, as if he felt danger ahead.

"Remember Raymond, the few animals living here don't survive like we do, they kill anything they can. So be careful when you step somewhere. Also, if you see water, don't get tempted." he said as the wind blew across his fur.

He picked up Tigress and put her on his back and started off into the desert plains.

Raymond was in the front, and as he walked out from behind a large rock, he spotted a large cactus and quickly ran over to it.

"Raymond, where are you going?" Pantera asked.

"I'm getting a messenger, one for Aera to know we made it across the badlands. Keep on going, I'll be fine." he said as he neared the cactus.

Pantera nodded and kept going forward through the desert. He stopped momentarily before setting a paw down into the sand only to have a group of scorpions lift up out of the ground. Pantera quickly grabbed Tigress in his mouth then threw her over the line of scorpions, and keeping them focused on him.

"Hey there, you know you really might not want to attack me. You all will regret it if you do." Pantera said watching Tigress to make sure she left to a safe place.

One scorpion clamped its claws onto his paw and stung him as he grabbed one hard with his teeth a threw as far as he could, then proceeding to kick the other off his paw.

"Pantera! What did you do to make these guys mad?" Raymond shouted as he slid to him and kicked one away from his tail.

"Lovely timing Raymond, how about that friend you needed to talk to? Where are they?" Pantera asked flicking scorpions away.

"Right up there." Raymond said making a motion to the sky.

Not seconds later an owl swept down and lifted some scorpions up and threw them far away. The owl repeated swooping down and throwing scorpions away from the fox and the lynx until the area was cleared.

"Raymond, caution is most wanted out here." the owl said landing next to the two. "Must I baby walk you through these lands? If I don't then I'll be able to deliver the message to your friend as well as find the other feline."

Raymond noted what the owl said and looked around noticing that Tigress was missing and instantly jumped up and over the sand dune they were on and ran out a little ways yelling her name then stopped and sat down.

"How are we going to find Tigress out here, these badlands are to big for us to search everywhere." He said.

"Simplicity is a blessing and your feline Tigress has just blessed us. She trails to the oasis to wait but not long. We must hurry on to the oasis ourselves and we will find her." The owl replied easing Raymond's tension.

The fox nodded and the owl landed on his back as they started to the oasis, but they had forgotten about Pantera and didn't notice his escape during the scorpions attack. He was panting and fallen on his side panting; his vision fading; his mind faltering. In his last vision he saw his sister for a few seconds before passing out saying her name as he fell into a slumber.

"What do you mean you lost him in the desert!? Do you know what Aera will do to us for letting her brother die after they just met for the first time in like ever!?!" Tigress yelled at Raymond who had his head down, pacing back and forth.

"I am so sorry Tigress, I didn't notice that he was missing until we got here. He said that he was okay just going to catch up with us later. I didn't know that he would leave us." Raymond said panicking.

"I hope someone helps him find us before he loses his way." Tigress said as the owl ushered them to continue.

"Are you hungry, thirsty, or in need of medical care?" the coyote asked.

"Some food and water would be nice, but that is all I really need. Thank you for being so kind and taking me in, you really saved my life." Pantera said.

"It is no trouble at all, right now there is so many animals at the desert hunting grounds that I have the food to spare. Oh and my name is Kaliska, I hope I can help you find your way through the Badlands to your friends." she said to Pantera.

Looking around him he took notice to all the ancient masks and markings on the wall. In his memories this place was a home to him long ago. He stood in shock for a moment realizing that the coyote wasn't a stranger but a friend. A friend from long ago and she had took him in.

"I guess that's two favors I owe you now Kaliska, anything you want I will do it for you." Pantera said bowing his head.

"Oh silly Pantera, you always did have a strong memory, it is amazing that you remembered that but you don't need to worry about returning the favor." Kaliska said calmly.

Slowly moving through the shifting sands, Aera looked out towards the endless plains taking notice to every movement, she saw a rather unnatural movement through the sand. She sped to the spot where she saw the movement and found Kaliska laying down over something.

"Kaliska, I am glad you are alive but what are you doing out here?" she inquired.

"Aera, I was watching your brother take his leave from my presence. If you ran to him you would catch up with him but I cannot leave for my child is in need of my support." she replied.

"It is ok and thanks for your support, I will be back to return your kindness as soon as possible, thanks Kaliska." Aera said lifting up her dust cover and walking out the den.

"Take care Aera, you know your mom is waiting for you in her old den, she will be so happy you came this far to find her." Kaliska replied as sand covered the entrance behind as Aera left.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2016 ⏰

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