Chapter 4: So... there's this guy...

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Valerie's POV:

Joshua and I have been having tutoring sessions this past month, and he's getting too clingy. This afternoon, he asked me out, so I had to make things clear.

"Joshua... I honestly don't like you that way," I said, fiddling with my gel pen. "Is there someone else?" he asked, clearly confused. Seriously, this guy thinks that everyone loves him! "So... there's this guy..." I started. He raised his eyebrows. I tilted my head just a teeny bit, curled a piece of my hair in my finger, and put a dreamy look in my eyes, just for show. "He's suuuuuper cute and smart, and his name is..." He narrowed his eyes at the suspense. "NOBODY." His shoulders slumped in frustration. "Ughhh!" he grumbled. I gave him a sickly sweet smile. "See? Joshua, there are somethings you don't just get." Maybe I was a teeny bit mean there. Well, maybe a lot, but this is one of my sentiments I feel very strongly about.

Kity's POV:

Yes! I'm so happy for my girl! Val turned down Joshua! Yes!!!!!!!!!!! I don't like Joshua in that way or any way. He's too self-absorbed. I've ben "watching" their tutoring session for the past month and this guy is so damn annoying!

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