1-10; The funny ones.

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1. Start a betting pool that Snape is Harry's Father

2. Send him a pair of fake elf-ears for Christmas with a note saying the following: "You'd better get down to the kitchen to cook me dinner or I will send you a sock." Then sign it Bartemius Crouch.

3. Use the Imperius curse on him. Make him stand up on the Gryffindor house table during dinner and make him do the chicken dance.

4.Ask him if his animagus is a fluffly pink kitten (or just Fluffy (remember the three headed dog?))(that ought to kill him)

5. Inhale helium and sing the mysterious ticking noise.

6. Force him to go to a muggle hair salon or you'll send him a valentines card via Lockharts "cherubs" with a free sample of Perfumed shampoo.

7. Spike his pumpkin juice with love potion and make sure that the first person he sees is Umbridge.

8. Put the sorting hat in his room and make sure it sings Justin Bieber songs.

9. Instead of 'professor' call him 'Sevvie poo'

10. When he tries to give Harry or Ron a detention put you hand up and yell "Pick me! Pick me"

Snape, and 100 ways to annoy himWhere stories live. Discover now