Edwards house

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Bella pov

Edward was born on June 20th 1901. He was seventeen when he was changed into a vampire, he was dying from the Spanish Influenza outbreak in Chicago, Illinois. A vampire doctor named Carlisle had saved him, and they had lived together for three years before Edward left.

He loved Carlisle, and was forever grateful to him for introducing him to the vegetarian lifestyle, but he couldn't stand to act human as Carlisle did when he knew he was a monster.

Edward's words created more of a nightmare for me rather than a dream. At first it started out pleasant as he described his human life and how happy he was. Then when he got sick, it changed. The story turned quite sinister as he told me about his illness and then his change. He told me about his time with Carlisle, how he was happy, but ashamed of himself. Then he told me how he bought this island and has lived here ever since.

I think he realised how he was affecting me as I fell asleep, because when I began to toss and turn at his words he softened them, made his life seem sweeter and happier than what it was, all so I could sleep properly.

But I wasn't stupid. I knew the truth, I knew he didn't have a happy life.

But his words did calm me down, and I sleepy peacefully, his life playing out like a film in my head...

I woke early, the sun streamed through my windows from low in the sky. I squinted as I looked around the room, it looked even more beautiful in the daytime.

I pushed the covers off me and slipped my feet from the bed. They landed on the floor and I took a deep breath as I realised I hadn't walked in over four days now. I hadn't got a clue what implications my accident had on my body.

I put my hand on the bedside table for support and I eased myself off the bed.

I stood up straight as my muscles flexed and got back into their normal procedures. I let out a sigh of relief, my body had suffered nothing too bad, or maybe it was because I'd been in bed relaxing for days.

I began to walk towards the door, both eager to see the house and find the bathroom.

I opened the door slowly and almost poked my head out the door to look around the hallway.

It was painted white and there were a few pictures hung on the wall. I walked forward and looked at them closely. From what I could tell of Edward's words they were pictures of his mother, father and Carlisle.

I sighed and looked down. I was still dressed in Edward's shirt and in truth I looked like I'd just come from a night of passionate sex, I could feel that my hair was in a ball of knots and my face still had tired lines from my sleeping.

I shook my head and walked along the hallway to see if I could find a bathroom nearby.

The house was impeccably clean and organised, but then again what mess could a vampire make that couldn't be cleaned up in five seconds?

I walked along the hallway, my bare feet not making a sound on the wooden floor and so the house was eerily quiet. I wondered where Edward was.

I found a door that was half open and I looked in it without opening the door fully. I saw a shower door and decided that this must be the bathroom.

I pushed the door open and was met with the most beautiful sight in my life.

Edward was standing in the bathroom dying his hair with the towel in his hands. But what shocked me the most was that he was completely naked.

I gasped and he obviously heard me. He looked at me in one quick movement, the shock and surprise clear on his face. He moved the towel to cover himself and I slapped my hands over my eyes to stop myself from looking.

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