Chapter 9

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Ashley kept his promise and has on several occasions brought the kids over and let them even stay the night with Chris and Amy.

Jinxx is now eight months along. The baby has been very active especially everytime Jake starts talking near him. She kicks alot and she kicks hard. Jinxx is feeling miserable with his feet swelling and having to pee all the time.

One day Jinxx and Jake was sitting on the couch when Jinxx got up.

"Sweetheart where are you going?" Jake asked.

"I've got to go pee. It seems like that's all I do these days." Jinxx. He wabbled to the bathroom. When he was done he went to the kitchen to get some water. Jinxx didn't see the wet spot on the floor when he was going back to the couch.

Jake was watching the tv when he heard a loud 'thud'.
"Jinxx what was that?" Then he heard Jinxx moaning. Jake quickly ran towards him.

When Jinxx was walking towards the livingroom he didn't see the wet spot and slipped and fell landing hard on his belly. He sat up on one hand holding his belly with his other hand moaning in pain. Suddenly Jake was by his side.

"Jinxx what happened?" Jake.

"Oh Jake I fell. I landed on my belly hard it hurts." Jinxx.

"Jinxxy come on I'll take you to the hospital." Jake. Then Jake helped him up and grabbed his car keys and they headed towards the hospital.

While heading that way Jinxx felt a sharp pain in his stomach he screamed out. "Agghhh!"

"JINXX WHAT IS IT?" Jake asked.

Jinxx looked down and saw his pants, the car seat and car floorboard was completely wet. "Oh god Jakey my water just broke..."

Jake looked down seeing everything wet. "SHIT!"


Jake grabbed Jinxx's hand kissed it and started driving faster. "Sweetheart we'll make it."

Jinxx winced then nodded as he squeezed Jake's hand.

What felt like an eternity but was really only eight minutes they pulled into the ER parking lot.

Jake parked the car and helped Jinxx into the ER. "HELP! SOMEONE HELP!"

"What happened?" nurse.

"This is my boyfriend he's eight months pregnant he slipped and fell on his belly. His water broke in the car on the way here. Please help him." Jake.

"Ok. What's your boyfriend's name and age?" nurse.

"Jeremy Ferguson he's 28." Jake.

They put Jinxx on a bed then took him to the delivery ward. The doctor there Dr. Graham did an Ultrasound to check on the baby.

The Ultrasound showed the baby was in distress and the Umbilical cord was wrapped around her neck. "Mr. Ferguson, Mr. Pitts your baby is in distress and the Umbilical cord is wrapped around her neck. So we need to take her now so I'm going to do a C-section."

"Oh Jakey..." Jinxx.

"It's going to be alright." Jake.

"Jakey call Ashley, Andy and CC. Let them know." Jinxx.

Jake shook his head and quickly called Ashley.


J. Ashley it's Jake you and Andy need to get to Mt. Zion Hospital. Jinxx slipped and fell on his belly. Dr. Graham said the baby is in distress and going to do C-section.

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