Chapter 12

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So Cat and CC went to his bunk and snuggled up.

"How about Zane for a boy and if a girl Zoey?" asked CC.

"Hmm. Why those names CC?" asked Cat.

"Well both of our names start with Cs and they are at the begining of the alphabet so I figured why not start at the other end for our kid's name." said CC shrugged his shoulders.

Cat giggled. "CC you are just too cute for words the way you think. I love you. So Zane for a boy and Zoey for a girl." said Cat.

CC smiled big. "I love you Cat."

Then they laid there and fell asleep.

Meanwhile Andy and Ashley was in their bunk talking. "You think CC will be able to do this? I mean he does like to be immature alot." said Andy.

"So did you and still do. But you have come through for us. I think CC will do just fine Andy." said Ashley.

They both smiled and soon fell asleep themselves.

The next morning everything just seemed so perfect. Everything was falling into place for the guys.

Andy and Ashley had their triplets Xander, Bruce and Robin.

Jake and Jinxx had their little girl Carolyn.

CC and Cat are waiting for their baby to be born.

Everyone was happy.

BVB still had two more months on their tour.

Cat was still taking care of the kids even though she was now pregnant. Cat was now three and a half months along and doing great.

CC was so caring and helpful whenever he could. But he had a lot of interviews to do and concerts. But Cat was very understanding about it.

Ashley and Jinxx would take the kids off Cat's hands when they were on the bus. And of course Andy and Jake would help too. They were caring and wonderful daddies.

The tour was coming to a close and CC had come to a realization that Cat still lived at home with her parents and they don't know about him and the baby. "Cat are you going to tell your parents about us as nd the baby?"

"Yes CC. I will when I get back home." said Cat. Then she snuggled into CC.

Finally the tour came to an end and everyone was going their separate ways.

CC hugged Cat and said he'd talk to her later when he left.

Cat's mother came and picked her up. Cat has been home for two days now and decided it was time to tell her parents about CC and the baby.

Cat had her parents sitting in the livingroom. "Mom dad I have something to tell you."

"What is it Catherine?" asked her dad.

Cat took a deep breath. "Mom dad I'm three and half months pregnant."

Cat's mom gasped. Her dad stood up yelled, "Which fucking freak did this?"

"Dad their not freaks. They're my friends. And he said he'd be there for me and the baby." said Cat.

"They're freaks Catherine. You getting pregnant is proof. He doesn't care about you or that thing." yelled her dad.

"It's not a thing, dad. And you don't know CC at all." yelled Cat.

"CC? That's his name. Which freak is that?" yelled her dad.

"He's not a freak. CC is wonderful, sweet, caring and the best drummer every. Just shut up about stuff you don't know about him." yelled Cat. Next thing Cat knew she felt a very sharp sting across her face. She looked at her dad realizing he had just slapped her hard across the face. Tears welled up in her eyes.

"You little slut you care so much about your freak for friends and that freak growing inside you. Leave! I don't have sluts for daughters. Get your belongings and go you're no daughter of mine." yelled her dad. And just to make his point across again he hit her across the face again this time causing her to fall down with a very dark red mark on her face.

Cat got up crying and ran to her room and packed her things. The things she needed the most and walked out of her home. Her younger brother and sister was at school.

Cat walked to the curb and pulled out her phone and called CC.


C. Hey CC. (crying)

CC. Hey honey. Hey what's wrong?

C. I told my parents about the baby and you.

CC. And I take it it didn't go well.

C. My mom didn't say anything but my dad a different story. Oh CC he called you and the band even the baby freaks. I yelled back at him for saying you wouldn't want anything to do with me or the baby. I didn't mind him calling me a slut or hitting me twice or kicking me out but calling you, my friends and the baby freaks and saying those mean things I had to yell back.

CC. He hit you. What the fuck. And kicked you out. Oh hell fucking no. I'm on my way honey. I love you.

C. I love you too.


Cat was sitting there for about ten minutes when CC walked up to her.

"Hey baby." said CC.

Cat looked up at him then stood up and hugged him. "CC." She bagan crying.

"Shhh....Don't baby. Don't cry. Come on you're living with me. I'll take care of you and our baby. CC grabbed her bags and walked her to the car putting the bags in the back seat.

Cat's dad looked out the window and saw the man with Cat. He opened his door and walked out. "You! You the freak that put that freakish thing in my daughter?"

CC turned around as he was putting Cat in the car. "Excuse me. You can call me a freak all you want but don't you dare call my innocent baby that. At least I'm a man with respect I don't hit women or call them a slut. If you ever come near her or touch her again I promise you I will fuck you up."

Cat's dad was quiet.

"CC let's just go please." said Cat upset.

CC stood up to him then got in the car and they left without another word. CC drove to his house and brought Cat and her things inside. He brought her bags to his bedroom.

Then they sat on the couch and watched some tv and ate then cuddled up until bedtime.

CC figured he tell the guys tomorrow about everything that happened to Cat...

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