Valentines Day

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You two spent your valentine's day at the local fair, playing little carnival games like throwing hoops and water guns. Griffin of course won all the games and got you oversized stuffed animals. You could bearly fit it all in the car. (Haha get it? BEARly? Ha puns are funny.) For treats you ate cotton candy and some funnel cake!~ By the end of the day you two were pooped and stuffed. 


For valentine's day Peter decided to take you out to dinner at a new chinese restaurant. It was very fancy, your boyfriend even wore a fancy suit while you wore a cocktail dress. Peter complimented you all night, while you blushed at his words. The food was delicious and you two enjoyed yourselves. 


You knew Ice liked to dance, but when he took you out to tango lessons, you were amazed. His movement was swift and very passionate. Words could not compare to his actions, and his dancing was proof of it. After the lesson you both made dinner together and ate by candlelight. (CAN SOMEONE DO THIS FOR ME, PLEASE!!?)


On the special holiday, you just ate alot of candy and watched cheesy rom coms. The day was filled with cuddles and him making fun of certain characters. You and your sarcastic boyfriend had lots of fun and ended up sleeping on the couch together. 


In the morning you two went on a nature hike at the nature park Charlie works at. He had made sack lunches for you and snacks while you guys hiked on the scenic trail. At the end you both reached the top of a canyon, that looked down at the whole forest, as the sun went down. You have never seen anything more beautiful. As the sky got dark you both laid down and star gazed. He knew all the constellations so you listened to the stories about each one. (OH MY GAUD CHARLIE IS TOO PRECIOUS I CAN'T TAKE THIS ANYMORE)

((But anyways hai everyone!~ Happy Valentines Day or Cavity Day since I'm chowing down on candy in loneliness. XD But hey I had fun with my friend celebrating her birthday so yay! And now I'm preparing for the end of Gravity Falls, or more like death. ; w ; How is everyone doing? Doing anything special for Valentine's day or are you a single pringle like meh?))

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