Chapter 11.

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HARRY should’ve been here fifteen minutes ago. I’d been here for fifteen fucking minutes and he hadn’t come. He better be doing something important or else I was going to talk to Mr Parker and tell him that Harry wasn’t really interested in passing his subject and that he wanted to fail the year. Who did he think he was? I couldn’t believe I was actually being stood up. No one had ever stood me up, but there’s always a first time, right? I took the book and the sheets of paper I had taken out earlier and started placing them into my backpack, I zipped it up and put it over my shoulder, standing up from the chair and putting it back to its place but suddenly I heard someone running up to me.

“I’m sorry!” He said. 

“You’re so fucking late,” I answered whispering harshly and placing my backpack over the table.

 “There was a problem and I had to solve it,” he explained.

 “Which was…?” I asked him being really curious. I really wanted to hear the excuse he had; I knew he was doing nothing and he didn’t want to come, but he regretted making that decision so he came.

 “It’s none of your business,” he snapped.

 “It is of my business, Harry. You left me waiting here for almost twenty minutes, I bet all these people thought I was being stood up, which I probably was,” I whispered.

 “I had a fucking problem. You should fucking thank me because I’m here. By the way, don’t fucking call me Harry. For you, I’m Styles,” he said. “Styles,” he repeated. “And why the fuck are you whispering?”

 He was impossible to deal with, just thinking about the fact that I was going to have to deal with this every Tuesdays and Thursdays made me sick. I was so stupid; sometimes I just wished I was not the kind of girl who likes to be nice all the time, I know I was not nice to him but I was nice to the teachers and to everyone else, there was just something about him that wasn’t right.

“Because, if you didn’t notice, we’re in a library and it is forbidden to make noise in here,” I told him. “Tell me why you are late.”

“Why do you care?” He asked.

“Because it is my time, too, Styles, I need to know why you’re late, otherwise I’ll have to write down that you didn’t come because you were having sex or drinking with your friends or something,” I said.

“Look, Louis was harassing me with fucking questions about where I was heading to, I had to make up a bunch of lies and it took me a while to get rid of him, okay?” He quickly explained. “And why would you have to write that down?” He asked.

“Mr Parker told me to write a report about your behaviour and process during the tutoring to see if you improve or get worse,” I explained him.

“Ugh!” He groaned. “Let’s get down to business, shall we?” He said and I was impressed that he wanted to start reading. I placed my backpack on the table and took out the book again. “Really? That book? Oh my God!” He groaned again.

“Stop complaining and let’s start reading,” I said holding back my laughter. I knew he wasn’t going to like it. I knew it!

We both sat down and I opened the book on the prologue to finally start reading. When I was about to start Harry stood up and I looked at him.

“I need a book,” he explained and went to find a book. Minutes later he came back with another copy of Becca Fitzpatrick’s book.

“Can we start now?” I asked and he nodded lightly. “Okay,” I said. “Prologue. Loire Valley, France November 1565. Chauncey was with a farmer’s daughter on the grassy banks of the Loire River when the storm rolled in, and having let his gelding wander in the meadow, was left to his own two feet to carry him back to the château. He tore a silver buckle off his shoe, placed it in the girl’s palm, and watched her scurry away, mudslinging on her skirts. Then he tugged on his boots and started for home,” I started reading the prologue of the book.

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