Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

"I passed!" Someone excitedly whispered in my ear as I was taking books out of my locker.


"Congrats," I said as dry as possible.

"What? Aren't you happy for me, love?"

"First of all, do not call me love; second of all, what do you want me to do? Jump in excitement? Don't be ridiculous," I spat.

"Damn, calm down," he said.

Truthfully, I hadn't had the best of my days lately. My parents were fighting a lot over the most stupid things on Earth, I got into a fight with Ian because he didn't stop picking on me over Styles, and it was really annoying so I just told him to shut the fuck up and leave me the fuck alone.


"Oh, admit it, Sam, you love him," Ian said.

"Stop it with that Ian, you're getting really annoying. I do not like him, okay? Not a bit, I just helped Mr. Parker, that's it."

"Oh, come on, the other day you couldn't stop staring at the clock, sweet Sam was nervous about rough Styles," he mocked me.

"Stop it, Ian, I'm getting seriously mad."

"Yeah, mad for him, you know he drives you crazy!"

"Ian, shut the fuck up, okay? Stop your motherfucking stupidity, grow the fucking Hell up! You're so stupid you can't even find a girlfriend yourself, that's why you keep mocking me around about a stupid asshole who doesn't think about anyone but himself, so if you could please shut it, that would be awesome because I'm tired of hearing your dumb ass comments about my love life that you have no clue about. Get a love life yourself and mock yourself about it, not me, so leave me the fuck alone." I angrily spat.

"My stupidity? Why don't you go ahead and look at yourself in the mirror? You know why you get so mad about my comments? Because you know they are fucking true and you're so in love with a guy who just uses you to pass the year, come on, Samantha, open your fucking eyes! He will never look at you in that way, don't you get it? He does not like girls from school, he's a dealer or God knows what the fuck he does, maybe he just gets laid with prostitutes!"

"How dare you say that about me? I've told you a thousand times I do not like Harry Styles, so go fuck yourself. I'm out of here," I said and stormed out down the hallways and as I did I heard him scream:

"How dare you say that about me?!"


I hadn't talk to him since then, and I had thought about apologizing, but he was the one who started picking on me.

For some reason, Rose hadn't showed up to school in the last few weeks and she didn't pick up her phone either, so I basically had no one in here to talk about my stuff. I was definitely not in the mood for Styles.

"Leave me alone, okay?" I calmly asked him.

"What's going on with you? Are you alright?" Styles asked.

"What do you want from me, Styles? Do you want me to keep helping you to pass your failed subjects? Because I'm definitely not down for it," I harshly said.

"Okay, there's something wrong with you, let me help."

"I don't need your help or anyone's, don't you get it? Leave me alone!" I yelled.

He said nothing and just turned around and left. Somehow I just wanted him to stay and not leave me alone.

"Wait!" I screamed and he turned back. "Never mind, forget it," I regretted what I was about to say.

As I was walking to class my phone rang indicated I had just received a text message.

From: Jacob
Hi sam! How's it going? I was thinking about maybe doing something tonight? ;)

Thank God! I was really looking forward to some distraction.

To: Jacob
Sure can't wait!! Xx

From: Jacob
Awesome! Pick you up at 7, love

Ugh, love, why did that word remind me so much about Styles?

Class was boring; I couldn't keep my mind shut about Styles wanting to 'help me'. Why would he want to help me? Because I helped him? I didn't want any returned favors, what I did for him was purely about Mr. Parker, not him; I didn't even want to tutor him in the first place. I just didn't know what to do anymore because I didn't want to stay in school but I didn't want to go home either.

It was six and I needed to get ready. I hopped out of my bed and stood in front of my closet, I decided to wear a white blouse and some black leggings, something casual as I had no idea what we were going to do and didn't really care either.

I went to my makeup room which I had finally finished organizing, and opened my primers' drawer, I took out my Smashbox photo finish pore-minimizing primer and in front of my luminous mirror, I applied it on with the tip of my fingers from the centre out. After that, I grabbed my Too Faced Born This Way foundation and spread it all over my face with my beauty blender. After that, I contoured my face and baked it. I didn't want a glamourous look so I just made it a bit natural. I applied some brown eyeshadow over my lids and then did some winged eyeliner. I loved glow, so I decided to grab my Jeffree Star Skin Frost: Ice Cold highlighter and with my fan brush applied it over my cheeks of course after applying my blush. Doing my makeup usually took me about half an hour because I was so perfectionist, especially with my lashes; I naturally had long eyelashes so I normally didn't wear falsies.

A ring on the bell indicated me that Jacob had just got here and I thanked God that my hair looked flawless and I didn't have to do anything to it. I went downstairs and opened the door. It wasn't who I was expecting.

"What in flipping Hell are you doing here, Styles? Haven't I told you to leave me alone? I'm not in the mood for you, please, I'm waiting for someone else," I said.

"I know, you were supposed to meet with Jacob. Too bad I've had his phone for over a week now."

"What? You fucking tricked me? Oh my God, why does shit like this keep happening to me lately?" I scuffed.

"Look, Samatha, I just wanted to thank you, don't feel flattered, after this, you were never to know from me again, but when I went to thank you, you looked so stressed and I don't know why it concerned me so much, so I remembered I had Jake's phone and an idea ignited," he explained.

"I do not want you near me," I said.

"And I don't want you near me either, we at least agree in something, I just want to help you this time like you helped me," he said, "let's just go somewhere else."

"Where?" I asked. As much as I didn't want to go anywhere with him, I knew I needed some distraction.

"Anywhere," he said.

"Fine." I grabbed my keys and left my house.


I know I said I wasn't going to update but this chapter is so good I couldn't wait for you guys to read it because I know you want to know what will happen!!!


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-Ana xxx

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