She Received a Promise From a Monster

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With Snowdrake gone you were able to continue on your way without encountering more monsters. And of course the trail led to Sans and Papyrus who were in a deep conversation, not noticing you yet. Wait, how did Sans get here before you? Wouldn't you have seen him? Your battle with Snowdrake didn't take that long so maybe he went through the trees instead? Ugh oh well it's not all that important. He probably knew this place like the back of his hand and just wanted to mess with you anyways.

The two finally took notice of you and looked at each other, then back at you. For some reason they did this many more times than what was necessary and began to spin in a circle before stopping. Weirdoes...

" SANS OH MY GOD! IS THAT... A HUMAN!?!?!?" Papyrus looked ready to hop up and down with all his excitement.

" Uhhhhhhh actually I think that's a rock." Sans said making you glance around. There was indeed a rock a little ways behind you but they both clearly saw you. Sans is just kidding around, there's no way someone would belie-

" OH." Papyrus' face fell in disappointment. Are you serious? I'm standing right in front of you! Your brain couldn't handle what was happening at the moment. You were sheerly dumbfounded.

" Hey, what's that in front of the rock?" Sans stifled a laugh but Papyrus was too focused on staring at you to notice.

" OH MY GOD!!!" He turned to Sans. " IS.... IS THAT A HUMAN?' If he meant to whisper, he was doing a very poor job of it.

" Yes." Sans replied, his grin widening at his brothers facial expression.

" OH MY GOD! SANS! I FINALLY DID IT!! UNDYNE WILL... I'M GONNA...I'LL BE SO... POPULAR!!! POPULAR!!! POPULAR!!!" His got a dreamy look on his face for a few moments before looking at you again.

" WAIT! SANS WHY DOES THE HUMAN HAVE YOUR COAT?" He just noticed? This guy needs help.

" Oh, well I wanted to make sure she'd make it this far so you could capture her." He winked at you but you merely glared at him for the capturing part.

" SANS YOU ACTUALLY DID SOMETHING HELPFUL!" Papyrus gave him a hug looking like he was going to cry over the fact his brother accomplished something.

" ANYWAYS! HUMAN! YOU SHALL NOT PASS THIS AREA! I, THE GREAT PAPYRUS, WILL STOP YOU!! I WILL THEN CAPTURE YOU! YOU WILL BE DELIVERED TO THE CAPITAL! THEN... THEN! I'M... NOT SURE WHAT'S NEXT. IN ANY CASE, CONTINUE... ONLY IF YOU DARE! NYEH HEH HEH HEH!" He ran off. So much for not letting you pass this area, this guy was kinda crazy but he did seem like he had a good heart. Besides, he hasn't directly attacked you yet like the other monsters you encountered. You gingerly touched your arm that Toriel burned, it no longer hurt probably due to earlier when you were exposed to the cold. For that, you were grateful something good came out of being frozen.

" Well, that went well. Don't sweat it, [Y,n]. I'll keep an eye socket out for ya." He winked again and followed his brothers footsteps. His words comforted you. He would keep a look out for you, hopefully anyways but still. Being trapped down here and hearing him say that made you feel a little better about your predicament. A little more secure. You started following the trail once again seeing another sentry station in the distance.

Branches moving a little ahead of you on the left halted your progression. Uneasily you stared at the trees, waiting for whatever it was to show itself. Seconds later a very tiny snow creature stumbled out, it had a pointy nose, wide eyes, and an ice hat with several spikes which seemed to be the reason for its clumsiness. The hat was taller than the thing for crying out loud!

" I'm Ice Cap, my hat's pretty amazing isn't it." It pompously said as your soul glowed.

" Eh it's alright..." You said, trailing off due to seeing Ice Cap frown and materialize tons of lines at about waist length you knew you'd have to weave through, and the spaces weren't wide enough for many mistakes to be made. Even knowing that a few grazed your sides poking you but not ripping the material. Where did I get these pants? Once I get home I'm going to buy more. The fact they held up so well to all these attacks amazed you.

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