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It just wasn't the same...

Waking up.

(Y/n) rolled over, praying inside her dark yet bright mind that Zacky hadn't gone off to serve time.

That it was all just a nightmare.

But when she rolled over and saw Brian lying on his back and lightly snoring, she couldn't help but close her eyes and release a tear.

Out of all people, why did it have to be Zacky that hurt their little girl? The one person (daughter) adored more than anyone.

"Mommy..." A faint voice cried.

(Y/n) rolled out of bed and entered the warm bedroom.

"Hey," (y/n) whispered, slightly closing the door behind her so Brian wouldn't wake, "what's the matter baby?"

"My arm hurts."

(Y/n) just let her thumb caress the hard cast as she stared down at it.

"I know...I'm sorry, angel." She bent down and kissed the cast.



"Where's daddy, and when is he coming back?"

It was like a knife to (y/n)'s heart.

"Daddy won't be back for a while, honey," she played with a strand of the shiny black hair, "but he will be. And I bet you when he does come back he is going to do all kinds of fun stuff with you."

(Daughter) sighed.

"Where is he?"

(Y/n) took her turn to sigh. And just as that moment occurred, a light knock echoed the room.

"Good morning," Brian sung in a soothing tone.

(Daughter) crossed her arms and let the pouty lip form.

"But hey! Uncle Brian's here!" (Y/n) put a smile on for the young girl.

Brian smiled and sat on the edge of the small bed as (daughter) released the so called 'per cry breaths'.

"Come here." (Y/n) whispered as she cautiously picked up her daughter and carried her into the living room.

Brian came back in shortly later with a blanket for the two. (Y/n) lied down with (daughter) in front of her and watched her favorite cartoon.

"Is anybody hungry?" Brian asked as he rummaged the kitchen.

"No." They synchronized just as the door opened.

"Look who's here! Where's my special princess?" Jimmy shouted as he walked in with a teddy bear the size of Johnny and a bouquet of red, purple, and white flowers.

"Jimmy, what is all of-"

"Uncle Jimmy!" (Daughter) smiled as Jimmy set the gifts down and collected the young girl in his arms.

"Flowers for the lady," he handed (y/n) the flowers with his one available hand, "and a big teddy for my special princess."

"Mommy mommy! I'm the special princess and uncle Jimmy's the special knight."

"And why's that?"

"Because he's always here for me forever."

A soft smile was painted on (y/n)'s face. But not a convincing one. But one that would be enough for (daughter) to believe was real.

"That's sweet, baby." She stroked the back of her daughters famous black hair.

"Don't forget we have to start back up at the studio today." Brian said as he came in from the kitchen.

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