Chapter 3: First Day of School

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Okay, I am actually the worst, I swear. It has taken me around 3 months (or more) to
finally update this story. Sorry? Well thank you to everyone who is reading this story, it really gives me the motivation to continue.

Note: Pay attention to the times in this chapter, they do mean something. It will become clear later/next chapter.


He wakes up to his alarm blaring some obnoxious song Hanuel had set as his phone alarm. He blearily reaches out for his phone to turn off the annoying tone. When he finally silences the phone, he stretches his hands over his head, but lets out a pained yelp when he accidentally knocks them against the headboard. He curls his fingers into his palms, and sits up groggily. It takes a minute for him to realize that today is his first day of school in his new home. This sobers him up quickly as he blinks the sleep from his eyes.

Eventually, he gets out of bed and makes his way slowly to his bathroom to take a quick shower before school. He eyes his reflection from in front of the mirror as he takes a quick look at the mark on his collarbone. He sighs softly as he starts to pull his clothes off and get into the shower.



After he gets out of the shower and pulls on some clothes he deems to be pretty good for his first day of school, Kyungsoo makes his way downstairs where he can already hear his parents moving around.

The house is lit with a soft blue glow as the sun slowly rises. His parents are sitting at the counter in the kitchen, cups of fresh coffee in front of them and one in front of what he thinks to be his seat. He slowly walks over as his parents murmur a quiet 'good morning'. He smiles back at them as he grabs the coffee and goes to sit down. His mother drinks some of her coffee before placing her cup down and looking at Kyungsoo.

"So, you ready for your first day?" she asks, a small encouraging smile on her face. He thinks that maybe she is trying to make him feel better, but its not really working. He can feel a cocktail of worry and dread curl in his stomach as he thinks of starting at his new school in less than and hour.

"I guess so. I'm just nervous" he finally replies, meeting her gaze. He eyes soften as she look at him.

"Oh you'll be fine, just remember to make some friends, yeah? I want you to be happy here. I know you didn't want to leave, but it was for the best" she says as she reaches out to stroke his hair. He manages a small smile as he nods.

"Yeah, I know. I'll try." he says before getting up to walk over to the fridge. He opens the door but finds little more than some miscellaneous fruit inside. He sighs and picks up an apple, closing the door with his foot as he turns back to the counter.

If there is one good thing about this move, its that his house is actually quite a bit bigger than his previous house. That house was his childhood home though, so nothing can compare to the memories he has of that house. He finds his mind beginning to wander as his parents idly chat while finishing their coffee. He thinks about where he can put his piano and his desk, and all of his posters.

His minds continues to wander, but he is snapped back to reality when his dad turns him and calls his name.

"Hey Soo, when you get home, get ready to unpack, okay? The moving company called and said they would be here around 4, so your mom will pick you up from school today at around 3:30" he said, giving Kyungsoo a thumbs up.

"Okay, I'll be ready." he replies, taking a large bite out of his apple and finishing his coffee. He dad nods, and gets up, patting Kyungsoo's shoulder as he walks past to the living room.

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