Valentine's Day Chapter ~ Jean

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This Chapter does not effect the stroyline right now, it's just a little thing for Valentine's day

My slumber was interupted when I heard somebody knocking on my door to my room. I opened it, forgetting that all I wore to sleep was my (F/C) tank top and black pajama shorts. Infront of me stood Petra, holding a letter in her hands. "Hey (Y/N), I was given this. It's for you, looks like you have a secret admirer." She handed me the letter. "Open it, please." I did as she asked and read what was written on the parchment

Dear (Y/N)

I was wondering if you would meet me on top of Rose, above the gate to Trost.

I'll be waiting

You're Secret Admirer


   I gave Petra the letter, so that she could read it. "Aw! That is so cute! You have to let me doll you up, please, I don't think my crush will notice me so I have alot of time plus you're a great friend to me." I didn't want to upset her so I allowed Petra to choose out some outfits and do my hair. "Remember Petra, I'll have to use 3DMG to get there." She skipped out of my room, with a grin plastered on her porcelain doll face.

   When she returned, in her hands were three outfits. The first one was a (F/C) laced dress and flat shoes. The second outfit was a black (Skirt/Shorts) and a (F/C) blouse with black shoes and the last outfit was a pair of (F/C) jeans, a (Whatever colour goes best with your favourite colour) jumper aswell as knee-length brown leather boots. I chose the last outfit for mobility reasons. I put my (H/L) locks up in a ponytail before Petra began curling it. She pulled out a small elixir which she evenly spread acrossmy lips. "Perfect. You look adorable. Now, go have fun, I'll make sure that nobody finds out about this." She pushed me out of the door and to the stables where my horse stood, I pulled my form up to the horse and kicked (H/N). We sped off.

~1 Hour Later~

I arrived a few miles away from the wall, where a stables stood. I walked in and took (H/N) with me and then left her there after paying a fee. After I exited, I fixed my gear slightly before grappling onto the large wall.

   When I was at the top of the wall, I saw a figure I never believed to see with a dozen roses in his hand. Jean was wearing a white shirt and black jeans. "Hey (Y/N)! I'm guessing you got my note."

"Why else would I be here and have used 3DMG to get up the wall?" I smirked at him.

"Well, come on then. There's a Valentine's Day party inside the wall and I wanted to take you there, is that okay?"

"Yeah, totally. You lead the way, horseface."


"Yes," We walked towards a doorway covered in hearts. "Corny much?" He chuckled at my comment as we walked in. The room was clean and covered in hearts, reds and pinks. Tables were randomly placed around, surrounded by couples.

   I saw Eren laughing and dancing with Mikasa, Armin and Annie speaking, Connie and Sasha joking and eating as well as Krista and Ymir kissing. "By the way Jean, we aren't going to be doing what Krista and Ymir are doing right now. Okay?" He gave a mischievious grin before we walked towards Eren and Mikasa. We started talking and I began to blush slightly.

   A few hours after arriving to the party, Jean grabbed my arm and took me towards the dance floor as an orchestral song began. We danced for as long as I could remember. I leant my head on Jean's shoulder as the song began to end. He picked me up, bridal style and took me out of the venue.

"What the hell are you doing?" He put me on the ground when we were out of the party and handed me my 3DMG, "Come on (Y/N), let's have a fly around." I fixed my gear onto my body and followed Jean. I adored the feeling of the wind pushing against my hair as I glided through. I smiled at Jean as he began doing turns and flips in the air. "Show off!"

He kept flying and I followed him until he stopped on the emerald stained ground. Jean pulled me closer to him before kissing me, passionately. "Jean!" He kissed my neck, which caused me to slap him. "Jean! I like you and I can tell that you like me but no, I don't want you acting so differently. If this is how you're going to act, I'm sorry." I left his grasp and travelled back to the wall to retrieve my horse. Tears formed around my eyes as I was riding swiftly towards the scout headquarters. "Stupid, stupid, stupid. Why am I so stupi-"

"(Y/N) you are not stupid."

"Yes I am horseface now leave me be."

"Why are you suddenly so harsh?"

"Maybe because I've seen so many fellow cadets die and people see me and Eren as monsters. How would you feel to be seen as a creature and a threat to mankind? Let me tell you, it feels like shit." I began to cry. Jean comforted me. "If you start acting like a perv, I swear to Sina I will kill you."

"Well, you killing me would be better than being killed by a titan."

"Don't say that."

"My life is pointless."

"Sure, as pointless as my new blades, you mean so much to so may people."

"How do I know that?" I couldn't take Jean's whining and I did something I couldn't believe I did, I kissed him, passionately.

"Marco doesn't want you joining him anytime soon so please don't die, for my sake at least."

   We both chose to head back to our headquarters. Before we seperated, I spoke, "I'm glad you were my Valentine and not a random weird guy I don't know who gets really pervy on me."

"I thought you said I was a weird pervy guy."

"Shut up, horseface." I punched his arm.

"Bitch..." He smiled at me.




"Suicidal maniac, you and Eren both."

"Okay, bye!" My face was stained crimson as I ran to my room and looked out the window to see Jean blushing as he walked off. Best Valentine's Day ever.

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