Chapter 26 ~ A Tragic Mistake

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"What the hell are you doing?"

I couldn't quite tell who the voice belonged to, "We're extremely sorry, I don't know what got into him."

"So this is the other person, (Y/N)?"


"Yeah. Tell me, why did you lie to me?"

"Levi, I didn't. Jean, put me down." Jean rested my legs on the ground and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Jean, I like you but I also like Levi the same way."

"Oh, so I just made this even more awkward by doing that, right?"

"No, it's fine. I think I'm just going to think about this. Don't take this the wrong way but I'll be speaking to you both formally when I need to. Now, I'm gonna go." I ran away from the two men and towards the burial area of Farlan and Isabel.

"I hate my life right now. Sometimes I just wish I could see you both, I never got to say goodbye."

"It's alright, it wasn't your fault we were taken away from you."

"Who the fuck just said that? Am I going insane?"

"No, it's a perk with your titan ability and who the serum was made from."

"So who are you and what do you mean?"

"I'm Isabel silly, sorry I was just acting really serious, I don't know what came over me. Since you are the-" Her voice seemed to be inaudible when she said what I was. "you're able to speak with any person, dead or alive. Pretty cool, huh?"

"I guess. So what do you think I should do?"

"Think about it, take all the time you need."

"Hey, before I have to go, can I see you?" Abruptly, infront of me soon stood the apparition of a girl in her mid to late teens with short reddish brown hair in two pigtails, her eyes were green, like my mother's, and she was wearing the regular Survey Corps uniform except for the cape. I beamed towards the girl before leaving, "Wait a second, can others see you?"I asked.

"Only if you want them to, I think I know why you asked."

I left the girl and ran to Levi, who had left to go to his office. I knocked twice. "Name and business,"

"(Y/N) (L/N) and I have come to tell you something extremely important."

"Tch, fine. Come in." He opened the door and I ran over to the chair opposite his desk. The room had a slight scent of lemon, most likely from the cleaning supplies.

"What is it?"

"I spoke to Isabel,"

"Don't lie to your captain."

"I'm serious, Ackerman. Apparently, when I was given the serum to become a titan, something weird was in it which allows me to speak with and see the dead, I can even get others to see them."

"Don't lie to me, you don't know how much I've gone through."

"Yes I do, I've been gathering info on you, I'll show you I can speak to the dead. Could you leave the room for a minute and I'll tell you when to come back in."

"Tch, fine, but I better not come in and see any dirt."

"Okay, now go!" He opened the door to his bedroom and left me in the office, "Isabel, Farlan, please let me see you, I never got to say goodbye and it's breaking my soul."

"Will you shut up with all that? You're acting more annoying than miss 'I'm gonna break one of the highest laws for a bird that would have died if Farlan didn't help me'." Claimed the young man whom appeared. His hair was dark blonde and his eyes were a light grey.

"That's a horrible nickname, Farlan, and to think I thought we went through so much during that expedition." Isabel joked, I didn't understand why though because their first and only expedition was when they died.

"I want Levi to see you." I closed my eyes for a few seconds before opening the door to Levi's bedroom (with your eyes open BTW). "Come on, there are two people I'd like you to meet." I gestured him out of the room but before I left, I saw him run into the office towards the two.

"How the hell can I see you?"

"She's the... She's a special titan shifter." Isabel seemed to be unable to say what I was. "I'm so happy to see you Levi nisan."

"Great to see you, Levi. I'm surprised you haven't grown at all since we last saw you."

"Shut up." Levi seemed to smirk at the two.

"So you know my sister (Y/N), Levi? You're both my big brother and sister! So cute! I'm glad you were able to find the right girl, Levi."

"No no no, we aren't together." Me and Levi stated in sync.

"But you were constantly visiting us, saying that you loved him but also loved another boy and that you didn't want to hurt either of them."

Levi looked away from Farlan and Isabel and towards me, "You did?"

"Yes, now that you've seen that I was telling the truth, Ackerman-"

"Wait, so you tell (Y/N) your last name but not the guy that's been with you since we were in the underground?"

"She found it out." Levi answered.

"With her skills, she would have been great in the underground when we were going after those merchants."

"You do understand that I would have been 13 at the time, right? I don't think I was like this when I was a preteen."

"But you were when you were eight, I remember!"

"Shut up, Isabel. What happened to your hair by the way, it seems shorter."

"Nothing! Hey, I bet we have alot of catching up to do, Levi, did you kill Erwin like the plan said?"

This time, I was the one to remove my sight from Isabel and Farlan. I stared at Levi, "You were going to kill commander Erwin? You seem so close."

"Tch, it was a job we were assigned to when being let out of the underground, for a citizenship so we could maybe live better lives on the surface."

"Yeah! I remember you wanting to own a tea shop."

"So you didn't kill Erwin then, Levi?"

The captain looked at the ground as he spoke, "He knew it was coming, he readied himself for his safety. I couldn't kill him." A single tear shead from Levi's beautiful steel eyes.

"Levi, what has gotten into you lately? If you'd like, I can leave now, it's getting dark too. You can speak with Farlan and Isabel for as long as you wish."

"We'll go when you don't need us for a while." I waved the three farewell and wandered the corridors and staircases to my room.

"Maybe my life isn't so bad afterall but maybe I shouldn't have pushed them both out." I dressed into one of my larger shirts and lay on my bed. I grinned at the ceiling before drifting into a deep slumber.

I randomly got inspiration to add Isabel and Farlan into the story after crying for half an hour after watching no regrets. I have no regrets when it comes to crying at an anime. I don't know if I should add the two as reoccurring, sort of main characters or just have them sometimes pop up.



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