Chapter Sixteen - Dear Robin

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I spent a lot of time with Blake almost every day for the rest of our vacation. It got to the point where my mother was aggravated with me. She said that I needed to “spend more time with the family” because “that’s why we were there.” Why would I willingly spend time with people who ridicule me? But, to please her, I spent an afternoon with my grandmother, which I genuinely enjoyed. I even took Anna with me to hang out with Blake a couple of times. We would make sandcastles, we got ice cream from the pier again, and we went to the arcade. Anna took to Blake very well, which made me happy. Blake was a great friend and I was so happy that I ran into him that day on the beach.

It was our last day at the beach and I couldn’t believe it, but I was disappointed. I was going to miss hanging out with Blake. For one last “hoo-rah” he took me to his “secret hideout.” It was a half mile hike up to his spot. When we finally got there, even though I couldn’t see the “amazing view” that he kept talking about, I understood why he loved this spot. We were standing on a small cliff. The ocean waves roared underneath of us and the salty breeze caressed our faces.

Blake led me to a huge rock where we took a seat for a while.

“I’m really glad that I met you,” he sighed. By the tone of his voice I could tell how relaxed he was.

“Yeah, me too,” I smiled.

“I really like you, London, we need to keep in touch.” He said.

When the words escaped his mouth, I suddenly realized how close we were sitting next to each other. I could feel the little hairs on his arm brush against my skin as he reached to grab something.

“You should give me your number so we can call each other.”

I froze for a second then blurted out, “I have a boyfriend.”

Blake laughed, not the reaction that I was expecting, “I know you do,” he laughed again, “and so do I.”

“Oh my god,” I buried my face in my hands, “I’m so embarrassed.”

“Don’t be,” he placed his hand on my back, “It’s an easy mistake to make.”

We both laughed and then I told him that I should probably head back to the cottage so I could finish packing.

As we walked down the hill, Blake told me about his boyfriend. He was a social worker and worked in a near by city. They met their freshman year of high school and had been dating since their sophomore year. Just from the way the Blake talked about him, I could tell that he was totally head-over-heels in love and I was happy for him.

When we got to the cottage Blake gave me a hug goodbye. I turned to go inside, but before I could walk away he called after me, “Hey, you never gave me your number.”

I smiled and then recited it to him.

“I’ll text you later…you can text right?”

I laughed, “Yes, I can text.”

He laughed, “It was really nice meeting you, London.”

“You too, Blake,” I hugged him again and then stumbled inside.

The ride back home was excruciatingly boring. I spent the six hour drive either sleeping or listening to Robin’s old CD that I had put on my iPod.

When I finally got out of the car I could hear Ariel and Aubree screech with excitement.

“Aubree?” Spencer was just as surprised as I was, “What are you doing here?”

I could here Aubree’s footsteps as she ran towards him, “We’ve been waiting here for you all afternoon. We couldn’t wait to see you.” She giggled.

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