2. Grounding

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1. Get comfortable and meditate until completely relaxed (sitting cross legged with your palms up is best).

2. Imagine tree roots coming from your feet going into the earth.

3. Push all worries, fears, and negative emotions down your roots and into the ground to be recycled.

4. Absorb energy from your surroundings (If it helps, imagine yourself as a tree, with leaves that a absorb energy).

5. Visualize all the energy gathering in a ball of light at your heart. Slowly open your eyes and your done!!

Tips: It is best to do this outside, where you can more easily gather earth energy, but it can be done anywhere.

When I do this, I feel energy pulsing throughout my whole body, then slowly out through my feet. The whole process takes me 5 minutes because my element is earth, but it can take anywhere from 10-20 minutes normally.
[More on elements in later chapter]

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