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A/N: Hi!! Thank you for spending your time on reading this! It means a lot to me and I would give you a hug if I could. Also, congrats on the ship choice, cause Sirius x Remus is literally the best. Hope you enjoy!!

The marauders were sitting by the lake, enjoying the last rays of September sunshine. It was the start of their seventh year and they planned to make it unforgettable for everyone and reach the goal of 100 pranks without being caught. Well, Sirius and James did, to be exact. Remus just kept shaking his head in disapproval, smiling regardless, and Peter usually agreed with everything the others said.

'But you know what's more important? We have to get a date before the Christmas ball, all of us!' James exclaimed enthusiastically, dreaming about Lily. Remus sighed, feeling a sharp pain going through his chest. He has been in love with Sirius for 6 years now, always too scared to tell him. He would lose him, for sure. Padfoot was in numerous relationships before, and as you would expect, not one of them lasted for longer than two weeks. But what hurt Remus the most – all of them were girls. Why did he have to be so different? He would have been so much happier being straight, just like the rest of his friends. Was being a werewolf not enough? Why did it always have to be him?

'Moony, you're not listening again' Sirius pointed out, looking at him suspiciously.

'Oh, I'm just tired after the last full moon' he smiled faintly, his heart beating slightly faster at hearing his name from Sirius' mouth. God, why after all these years the slightest thing made his heart race like crazy?

'Right, I need to go look for Evans, you guys enjoy your last moments without homework' said James, lifting up from the grass. Peter immediately followed him, as usual.

'I-I need to revise for T-t-transfiguration' he stuttered. Sirius just nodded.

'See you later' Remus waved at them. When they left, Moony and Padfoot laid in silence flicking their wands out of boredom, enjoying the view.

'So... what is the thing you're thinking about all the time?' asked Sirius all of a sudden, lifting slightly on his elbow, looking at his friend.

'What? I'm not... I'm thinking about the future' unfortunately Remus was bad at lying, which didn't mean he was going to confess his love to Sirius.

'Yeah, I totally believe you' Padfoot said sarcastically. He moved a bit closer to Moony, their arms touching.

'What's her name?' the gentle whisper of Sirius's voice in Remus's ear made him shiver.

'I'm not telling you anything. Why do you care?' Lupin shook him off, blushing furiously.

'Cause you're my friend. I want you to be happy'. Remus looked down. This boy made him scream internally. Constantly. He played a rebel in front of everyone, even James, but when they were alone he wasn't afraid of expressing his feelings. It was like somebody in his soul pressed a switch from 'rebellious prankster' to 'cinnamon roll' and Remus was so glad it was him who could experience his soft side. It made him feel special, but he also knew that it was because he was Sirius' closest friend besides Prongs and he was naturally much calmer than James, which allowed Padfoot to open up. It wasn't anything more than a good friendship, and sadly, Remus was aware of it.

'It's getting dark, we should go back' said Moony, changing the topic. They both looked at the sun, melting into the smooth, glossy surface of the lake. The sky was dark orange, blending delicately with the pink and purple clouds, contrasting with the dark green trees of the Forbidden Forest on the left.

'I don't wanna leave. I'm so happy we're seeing this together, Moony' Sirius, ruffling his friend's hair softly. Remus had to try really hard to stop himself from screaming, and felt like his heart was going to explode.

'We... um, we really should go' the boy grabbed the corner of Sirius' robe, dragging him towards the castle. He kept his head down for the entire time, desperately trying to hide his red cheeks.

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