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'No, Prongs! That's the problem! He won' tell me!' Sirius shouted frustrated, walking impatiently up and down their dorm. He tried every trick to make Remus reveal his crush to him. He could live with the fact that Moony just liked him as a friend, but he couldn't stand seeing Remus romantically interested in someone and not sharing a single detail with him. It kept him awake every night, which had a bad impact on his already bad grades, but what's more, he's lost his usual enthusiasm and the cheerful sparkle in his eyes.

'We have to find a way. I can't look at you anymore. Have you seen your face recently? You look like a zombie! You're gonna get dragged to the hospital wing in no time' James eyed him, frowning.

'I know, but I can't help it. Especially when he's sleeping right next to me. He's so close, and yet I can't do anything' said Sirius, recalling the sight of Moony's face, softly illuminated by the moonlight.

'Hey, why don't you just tell him?' suggested James as if it was the easiest, the most obvious thing to do.

'Are you serious?!' Padfoot couldn't believe how oblivious James was.

'No, actually, you're Sirius' he laughed at his brilliant pun. It never got old.

'Anyway, back to the topic. He's in love with someone else, imagine if I just went up to him and said 'Hey I have a massive crush on you' I may be selfish, but not that selfish! He would hate me for that!' Sirius hid his face in his hand, letting his long hair cover the rest of it.

'I think I have an idea to make him tell you who it is' James had an uncertain expression on his face.

'Make him? You don't mean...' they've done many things that were clearly against the rules, but it was never as serious as using Veritaserum on each other.

'Do you have any other idea?' asked James, frowning. Sirius took a deep breath.

'Okay, let's do this. Do you think Slughorn will have some?' it was one of the most risky and spontaneous ideas in the history of Marauders.

'He surely will' James was already smirking, trying to reach his invisibility cloak from under the bed.

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