Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

It had been about two weeks since mine and Jordan's little walk. We had gone on a couple more since then though. I had felt like the happiest girl alive this past month. Everything was... perfect. I was just hoping that nothing would ruin it.

I heard my phone buzz as I walked into the kitchen to get a bottle of water. I took it out of my pocket to find a message from Hannah.

'We still haven't gone on that double date yet. And since you and Jordan are like official now, ask him about going out tonight.' It read.

I sipped my water and I called Jordan.

"Sup babe." He answered in a surfer guy voice. I nearly spit out my water as I laughed.

"Hey uh Hannah wanted to know if we wanted to hang out with her and her boyfriend tonight."

"Like a double date?" He asked, matter-of-factly.

"Ya I guess so." I added.

"Sounds fun."

"Ok be here around six-ish." I suggested.

"K. Later babe." He joked again. He never sincerely called me 'babe' he always said it jokingly. It still made my heart skip a beat whenever he said it.



I was hair spraying the last of my waves as the doorbell rang.

"Your boyfriends here!" Toby yelled.

"He has a name you know." I rolled my eyes as I walked down the stairs, glaring at Toby. He just ignored me and walked back into the living room.

"Wow you look cute." Jordan blushed.

"Thanks. So do you." My face was just about as red as his.

He grabbed my hand and interlocked our fingers as we walked out the door.

"Be careful!" Dad yelled after us. "And tell Hannah I said hi!"

"Ok!" I yelled back as I closed the door. Just as we stepped off the porch, Hannah's car pulled up.

"Well that was convenient." Jordan mumbled.

"Hey lovebirds" Hannah teased as me and Jordan got in the back seat.

I stuck my tongue out my tongue at her.

"Hey you must be Ryan. I'm jordan." He introduced himself.

"Yeah what's up man." Ryan replied cheerfully.

"So where are we going Han?" I asked as we drove into the main street.

"Vince's." she informed.

Vince's was a pizza parlor with a huge arcade. I hadn't been there since I was like thirteen. But it sounded fun.



We had been at Vince's for at least four hours. We were having so much fun. We had eaten a pizza and alot of potato wedges. And we had been playing arcade games for the past three hours. We were all having so much fun. I felt like I was 12 again. Hannah and I were battling it off at air hockey while the boys were playing skee ball.

"Yes! I win!" I shouted with glee as I shot the puck into Hannah's side for the third time.

"Ugh! Not fair! I was distracted. Rematch?"

"Okay I guess you wanna loose again." I teased as Hannah rolled her eyes. Then I saw Ryan walk up to her.

"Hey." He said, putting his arm around Hannah's shoulder.

"Where's jordan?" I asked.

Then I suddenly felt someone wrap their arms around me from behind.

"I'm right here baby." He said softly, as he kissed my cheek. That was the first time he called me baby and I think he actually meant it. It sent a chill down my spine as I smiled from ear to ear. I snuggled my head in between his neck as he was still hugging me from behind.

"Awww aren't they the cutest, Ryan." Hannah gushed to her boyfriend.

"Almost as cute as us." He replied cockily.

"Awww!" She exclaimed as she grabbed his face pulling him into a kiss.

Luckily we were the only ones in the place because of the time. I looked up at Jordan as he pushed back my wavy hair and kissed me.



"Night guys." Hannah said happily before driving away. I waved at her and smiled

"Ill walk you to your door" Jordan smiled. I grabbed his hand.

"Oh my gosh! Jordan!" I heard a preppy girls voice behind us.

We both turned around. Under the porch light, I saw a pretty, thin blonde who looked like a girl from Tumblr or something.

"Sofia?" Jordan called back In surprise.

He started walking towards his house as I followed, my fingers still locked in his. She looked like a kid in a candy shop at the sight of Jordan. Her smiled faded as she looked at me, as if noticing me for the first time. As she noticed my hand in Jordan's, she scowled at me.

"Oh this is my girlfriend, Tabby. Tabby, this is Sofia. Her and her parents are old friends of the family. What are you doing here anyways?"

"Um my parents and I were in town and I guess we're gonna be staying here for a couple days." I swear, the way she looked at Jordan made me want to just rip her pretty little face off.

"Oh. That's cool." Jordan replied. Sofia looked at me as If she was trying to kill me with her eyes.

"Excuses me but is there a problem? I mean I could take a picture if you like, it would probably last longer." I scoffed. Jordan looked at me surprised then at Sofia. Her expression completely changed as she noticed Jordan's eyes on her.

"Oh no no. I was just thinking about something. It was really nice to meet you Tabby." She lied, with the fakest smile I'd ever seen.

I grabbed Jordan and gave him a long, wet kiss. He smiled at me as I pulled back.

"Goodnight sweetie." I said sweetly then looked at Sofia who's mouth was wide open.

"Nice meeting you Sofia." I said with a bitchy smirk as I walked off.

She was going to be a problem.




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