Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

The next morning I woke up with swollen eyes. I heard a scratching at my door. I opened it to find a worried Potato. He always knew when something was wrong. "Hi potato." I picked him up, scratching his head. I hadn't really been paying much attention to him since Jordan got here.

He purred as he nestled his head into my neck. I closed the door and carried him back go my bed. He laid down beside me still purring as he rubbed his head against my face.

I grabbed my phone to call Hannah. When I picked it up, I saw I had a lot of missed calls from the one and only. I suspected I would which was why my phone was on silent. I decided to text Hannah instead because I knew if I verbally explained it to her I would start crying again. I texted her what happened. And I started crying again anyways just because I had to think about it. Potato meowed and I kissed him on the head. Hannah texted back telling me to come over for a sleepover. A whole no makeup, pj, movies, stuff our face night. We always did that to cheer eachother up.

I wiped a hot tear off my face as I got up. The image of Jordan kissing Sofia kept popping into my mind making me scream and punch the bed. This took potato aback. I petted him comfortingly. I remembered what Jordan had told me the day before. How he had no feelings for sofia. This brought more tears to my eyes. Tears full of anger. Betrayal. Regret.

I furiously shoved the things I needed into my bag. Then my phone started ringing. I picked it up and read the caller I.D. It said Jordan. I growled and threw my phone across the room. I angrily grabbed my bag and burst out the door.

"What's wrong with you?" Toby asked as I stomped down the stairs.

"I'm not In the mood Toby!" I snapped at him as I slammed the front door.

I walked down the lawn still pushing tears from my face. I sat underneath a shady tree waiting for Hannah. I leaned my head back against the tree and covered my face with my hands. I held back all the tears because I didn't want Hannah to see me cry. Just then I heard footsteps. I looked up to see Jordan walking my way. I growled as I stood up, grabbing my bag, getting ready to walk down the road the way Hannah's car was coming.

"Not right now Jordan!" I shouted at him. I had so much I wanted to say to him. I wanted to scream in his face and cuss him out and tell him off. But I held it all back.

"Tabby listen I-"

"No Jordan you listen! I can't believe I trusted you! Why would you tell me all that stuff just to find out It was all bullshit!" There was no stopping me now. "After everything! I thought you were so special and you made me so happy! Why would you just tell me you didn't have feelings for her then go and kiss her!" The tears streamed down my face again as I screamed at him. "JUST GET AWAY FROM ME WHATEVER YOU HAVE TO SAY, I DONT WANNA HEAR IT! JUST STOP CALLING ME AND GO BE WITH YOUR STUPID LITTLE BARBIE!". I finally snapped.

That's the kind of person I am. When I've bad enough, I've had enough. Just then, Hannah's car came speeding up beside me. She got out without even turning it off. Hannah REALLY didnt take anything from anyone.

"Get in the car Tab." She demanded. I obeyed and put my stuff in the front seat of her car. I could hear Hannah cussing Jordan out. She usaid something about not deserving me and a few other choice words.

"I hope you're happy with your little ho!" She screamed as she got in the car and drove away.



"Ugh I can't believe him! Im going to tell Ryan what he did to you and you bet you're ass he's going to beat the hell out of jordan!" Hannah continued spewing out anger and threats.

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