Chapter Fifteen:

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[[A/N: LEAVE COMMENTS TELLING ME WHAT YOU THINK SHOULD HAPPEN DURING THE FINAL BATTLE because while I know what I want to happen, I want to take into account your feelings too <3 ]] 

Chapter Fifteen: 

"Has anyone seen Amy?"  I could hear Ginny and Neville asking around the next morning in the Great Hall corridors.  I already sat at the table, an empty plate in front of me with the eyes of Snape, McGonagall and the Carrow's on me as I simply stared at the wall across from me.  

"Amy!" Ginny called, her feet slapping the ground as she rushed toward me only to freeze as she got a proper look at me.  I was a mess, of that I had no doubt.  I could still feel a rivulet of blood running through my hair.  I wouldn't have come to the Great Hall if it had been my choice but Alecto forced me to, wanting to make an impression on the students no doubt, as if to say 'this is what happens when you go against me', and it would only take a student one look before realizing they didn't want to get on her bad side.  

I was being forced to go the day with a collar around my neck, similar to one you'd find on a dog, with small spikes surrounding it but these spikes were thinner and on the inside.  I was told if I spoke, if I ate, if I so much as coughed, they would rip into my throat and cause massive amounts of damage.  I didn't move, I didn't speak; I simply looked up at my best friend and let her get a good picture of me in her minds eye.  

Behind her stood Neville who looked horror stricken, as if his Gran had just been murdered right in front of him as his eyes trailed over my beaten and battered body.  My hands, which had been doing well on the tremors except for perhaps five or six times a day, couldn't stop trembling and my fingers seemed to twitch every few seconds.  I did not feel broken as I had after my day of Cruciatus Curses, I didn't feel terror-filled or even particularly in pain; all I could feel was hatred.  Pure, unadulterated hatred.  

I'd even go so far as to say I felt empowered for the first time in quite a while, though I knew nobody could ever believe me if I told them that.  I was tortured all night and even now I'm going through that but while I couldn't speak, I went on feeling as if I could conquer the world because without the ability to move my mouth, my mind had gained extra plotting time.  

After breakfast in which many Gryffindors didn't eat, they stared at me, Ginny and I walked to our first class, Herbology, in which  I could be thankful today that I did not have neither Muggle Studies nor Dark Arts, just plants, potions and transfiguration, granted the first and the last of those three were double periods but I wouldn't complain.  

"The Venomous Tentacula, it's uses are not too varied, mostly used as a weapon but you can also extract their venom for potion making. The seeds are a Class C non-tradeable item, punishable by a fine of up to fifty galleons so don't bother taking any seeds unless you plan to raise one yourself.  They're quite harmful so I warn you all to use extreme caution as we handle these plants.  If one grabs a hold of you, use the Severing charm, their vines will grow back but you wont survive if you allow them to strangle you.  As mentioned in their name, they are venomous and can be deadly, however we have easy access to medical help therefore you need not worry about that."  

I eyed the creature before glancing at Ginny, my Herbology partner.  Sighing in defeat, she moved to pick one up and brought it over to our table.  With a stroke of genius, I grabbed a piece of parchment and a quill before writing down Nonmotus Velmortem on it and handing it to Ginny.  The plant couldn't hurt us if it couldn't move.   She smiled at me, extracting her wand and muttering the words quietly. 

"Good thinking, Amy."   

I nodded, being careful not to move my neck too much, a silent 'thank you'. 

Out of the Shadows [Book Three]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ