Chapter Twenty-One:

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[[Last chapter!  oh lord, i'm going to miss Amy :c  Dont forget that the epilogue (which i will post in a few hours) will have an important note at the end, so be sure to read that!  Also YOU ALL SHOULD GO READ THE STORIES WRITTEN BY kmbell92 because they are amazing and wonderful and you'll all love them.  Those stories are the only reason this story got finished as quickly as it did, there was just so much inspiration honestly!]]

Chapter Twenty-One:

The Great Hall was packed with people, many sitting off to the side and waiting to be healed, many crying over the casualties and though I wanted to; I found it difficult to cry over people I barely knew.  I liked Remus, I truly did, but I would not cry.  I would simply get revenge.

I could assume, by how cold Remus had been when I touched him that he died relatively early in the battle, probably during his first or second duel with a Death Eater and while I wasn't sure if he had fought anyone else, I knew he fought Dolohov.  

Dolohov, Alecto Carrow.  Umbridge. 

I couldn't be bothered with the last one on the list, for right now she was the least of my worries but I could go out there and hunt down the other two and kill them in the most merciliess way I knew how to.  That's exactly what I would do, as well, as soon as I found Neville and made sure he was all right. 

I moved around the Hall but stopped once I came across the girl who I'd saved towards the beginning of the battle.  She'd been helped by Madam Pomfrey and in fact seemed perfectly healthy but she was still frozen; muttering the counter-spell, I watched her come back to life.  She seemed rather surprised as she sat up quickly and took a quick look at herself, her clothes were still covered in her own blood, enough for her to know she should be dead but somehow wasn't. 

I continued on, noticing a few more people that I hadn't used the Suspended Animation spell on were frozen as well, letting me know that other people had remembered to use it in dire circumstances.  I went by, using the reanimation spell on each one and kept moving.  Where was Neville?  Ginny had said he was okay but I couldn't see him anywhere in the Great Hall and I knew that was where everyone was gathered. 

I let my legs lead me out of the Great Hall and moved outside so as to get a good look around Hogwarts grounds for fear that he was out here, injured somewhere, with nobody to help him. 

I saw a few people still moving about and it took me a few minutes more to find Neville with Dean Thomas, helping to carry the dead back to the Great Hall.  With a great sigh of relief, I left him to keep on with that despite the fact that I desperately wanted to talk to him but as long as I knew he was all right, then I could be happy with that, I didn't want to distract him from his job for now. 

So, with the knowledge that Harry, Ginny and Neville were fine, even though I was missing Collin and Remus in that group, and even though I had no idea where Draco Malfoy was so I could check on him (I assumed he'd be in the Death Eater camp), I made my way towards the Forbidden Forest with one thought on my mind. 


Revenge for Remus Lupin, Collin Creevey and Fred Weasley. 

I would not sit around being good little Amy Potter, not when they were winning, not when they had killed people I actually cared about.  My group of friends and family were so small as it was and now it had practically been cut in half by the Dark Lords army and I was tired of sitting around, waiting for something to happen. 

I wasn't sad little Amy who promised to be good, not anymore, perhaps not ever again. 

I could do what I did best while still remaining on the good side, I realized that as I saw how many Death Eater's lay dead on castle grounds.  I could still kill, and be good.  I would do it too.  I promised to seek retribution for my friends, my family, and I would not stop until I'd gotten it. 

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