Day 1

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Hello, I'm J. I know it's not the best name but it's all I can remember. You see, I'm a zombie. My skin rots, I can't feel pain, and yes, I eat flesh.

My undead life is boring (being dead of course....) my typical day starts off in what remains of a mall. I roam around with others like me. But I'm different from them...

I think and wonder about things. Like who I was before I died and turned. Did I have a family? Surely I must've. How old I was and what I did for a job. Who was I? I guess I'll never know.

Do you have any idea of how hard it is to speak when your lungs don't work and your mouth is dryer than death? Pretty damn hard. I've been able to say simple sounds now, besides grunting and moaning. I was walking around earlier and managed to mumble out 'the'. I felt so proud that I walked around for the rest of the day screeching, 'the'!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2016 ⏰

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