Chapter 1

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As my eyelids slowly drifted apart, a strange feeling came over me, a feeling that today will be the day that will change my life...forever. I don't know why I have this just seems like any usual day. I then automatically got up out of my nest, something that is quite bizarre of me. On the usual occasion, I would toss and turn in all possible directions like patties on the grill before actually getting up, longing to stay as much as possible in the warmth and comfort of my nest before getting on with the daily grind. I walked along the thick branch, until I reached a dark green leaf that I rolled up into a ball. I unrolled it with my beak, revealing round, purple seeds that I had saved from last night. I scooped them up with my beak and let them slide down my slimy tongue and, eventually, land in my stomach. I then washed them down with a drop of water that trickled down from an overhead wet leaf. Good thing it rained last night. I then groomed my feathers before proceeding to play my game, as I must always look presentable.

The lime green pipes from up ahead glared at me in the blinding light of the blazing hot sun. I scrunched my eyebrows and glued my eyes to the infinite array of glistening pipes in the distance. "You can do this, Flappy," I said to myself. "I will make sure that you won't have this crappy high score for another day!".

I thrusted myself forward, feeling the leisure of flying and the light summer breeze combing through my feathers like a lost child in a maze as I let my little yellow wings carry me through the pipes. Yet I felt immense pressure; sweat was collecting within my forehead as I thought carefully about my every move. I passed my high score! Better keep going, I want to see how far I can go. 1,000 points! Wow, I'm doing well, though my wings are starting to feel a bit strained. I'll keep going, though!

I kept on going until I reached...9,999 points?! This can't last high score was only 100 points, and I reached 9,999? That's crazy...such a significant increase--I must be dreaming, right?! No--no, I'm not dreaming! If I was dreaming, I would never even think to pose the question of whether or not I'm dreaming, no matter how abstract the situation is!

Suddenly, an human appeared from one of the pipes! He curled his lips upwards into a friendly smile from behind his greasy brown mustache and his eyes, which were like two pools of espresso mocha being stirred gently, seemed to smile, too. "It's me, Mario!", he said. He then looked around at the view of the pipes, the ground, and the sun, slightly hidden behind the hills, and the corners of his mouth dropped to the ground. "Where am I?", he asked. Not knowing what to do, he jumped off the pipe and started pacing back and forth.

I lost track of my flight and I ended up hitting a pipe and falling facedown on the ground. I let out a loud, muffled "Squawk!!!". "Shut up, you stupid bird!!!", Mario yelled. "Pfft, and I thought he was friendly," I thought to myself.

I quickly peeled myself off the ground and combed through my feathers with my beak.

Just then, out of the same pipe came a gorgeous woman. Her voluminous golden hair did a little dance in the breeze and her icy blue eyes twinkled like an ocean on a sunny day. "P-Peach?", Mario called out to her softly. Peach, huh? Never heard that name, but I love it already. She was stuck to my eyes like a tattoo.

"Who do you think you are, looking at my girlfriend like that?!", Mario exclaimed. In the heat of the moment, he let his rough, gloved hand fly across my face. Peach immediately ran up to Mario and scowled. "Mario! I thought you knew better than that!", Peach said. "But, Peach, this little pest--he--", Mario started to explain. She walked over to me and looked me straight in the eye. "Are you okay, little guy?", she asked. "I know, Mario can be kind of mean at times. He's not always like this, though. I'm Princess Peach, but you could just call me Peach." "I'm Flappy Bird," I say, softly enough for Mario not to hear. "Peach, have you gone mad? Talking to animals as if they were human?!", Mario asked. "Actually, I used to be a human, myself," I said. "HE SPEAKS!!! Peach, we have to get out of here!", Mario yelled, running up to the pipe that he got in here from. "Mario, don't go! I'm starting to like it here!", Peach shouted. She bolted after him, trying to catch up, holding up her dress making sure not to step on it. Once she came close to Mario, who stood there letting his hand lean against the dusty metal pipe, she let go of her dress, letting it elegantly stream to the ground and panted repeatedly in hopes of catching her breath. "Peach, we have to get home!" Mario responded. "Can't we just linger here for a *tiny* bit more?", Peach asked. "No, Peach, we are going home now!!!" Mario yelled, grabbing one of Peach's arms. "Please?", Peach asked, as crystalline tears started to trickle down from her beautiful eyes. "Peach, we ended up here by accident! We were going home anyway, but we went through the wrong pipe!", Mario explained. "Everything happens for a reason," Peach said philosophically. "Fine! You can stay here for as long as you want, but I am going home, back to the castle!", he yelled, jumping onto the pipe, trying to get in. It seems like all he could do was stand on top of it. "This stupid pipe is blocked! I can't get in!", Mario shouted, and jumped off hopelessly. "Oh, Peach, what do I do? We need to get home! I'm tired and hungry and--". A river of tears was flowing out of his eyes and down to the ground. He buried his eyes in his hands in order to contain his tears. Peach rushed over to him and wrapped one arm around his neck. "Come on, Mario, it will be alright," Peach said reassuringly. "At least we have each other." "All right?!", Mario said. "Just how is it going to be all right? I feel like I could pass out at any moment now, yet there is no shelter to crash in? What if it rains overnight? And don't even get me started on how hungry I am!".

Just then, I felt a translucent light bulb illuminating the darkness of my mind. There are these silver, sphere-shaped fruits growing in the tree in which my nest is that have life-changing effects and taste like something sent straight from heaven. I could get Mario and Peach to eat these for dinner and they'll be all taken care of. I let out a soft sigh. I don't know if I should do this, but the current circumstances leave me with no choice.

Author's Note: Hope you liked this chapter! If you did, don't forget to leave a vote! Why do you think Flappy Bird hesitates to give the fruits to Mario and Peach? Leave your answers in the comments below! More chapters will be coming soon! :)

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