Chapter 4

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*The Next Day*

"It seems like our supply of fruits is running low," Peach said. "Guess that means we'll have to fly to the tree, which is 9,999 pipes away," I said. "It's a pretty long distance, but I could take you guys there, one by one." Mario looked at me with squinted eyes, as if trying to crush me by closing them and said, "I could fly there by myself. You just watch me!". He then turned to Peach and said, "Now, wouldn't you rather be taken there by me?". "No," Peach said, almost immediately. "You don't even have flight experience!". "That's your loss," Mario said, his tone of voice soft and relaxed, but I saw him shooting me a glare from the corner of his eye.

I took a deep breath, clearing my mind of all negative thoughts and fixed my eyes on the vast blue sky and the endless array of pipes ahead of me. I reached out one of my wings and handed it to Peach. She held onto it tightly as I started to fly up off of the ground. "So this is how you fly off the ground, into the sky," I said. As we began to fly into the air, I moved my wing back and forth. "Just go this like to fly into the air," I said. Peach stroked the aid with her wind back and forth and darted her eyes in my direction. "Like this?", she said. "Yes, just like that," I said. "You're a great teacher, Flappy Bird," she said. I felt my cheeks heating up like overheated computers. "...and you're a great learner, Peach," I said. Just then, I saw Mario facedown on the floor, his hat on the ground close to him. "Peach, do you think you could fly by yourself from here?", I asked, gasping in between words. "Yes," she said. She slowly let go of my wing, some of the sparkle in her eyes fading away, and flew on into oblivion as I lowered myself to the ground.

As the image of Mario was getting bigger as I went down, I saw something that I've never expected to see before. Mario's eyes were spilling out water like two full glasses that had been tipped over and his eyelids were pressed together. "Here, let me help you, I said, reaching out my wing. He grabbed hold of it and I helped him get back on his feet. "I never thought I'd be saying this to you, Flappy Bird, but thank you so much," Mario said, tears still collecting in his eyes. "Hey, it's nothing, that happens to me a lot," I said. "It might seem scary at first, but it's just part of the game. Let me help you get your hat." I went over to get the hat and carried it behind my wing before giving it to him. He plopped it on his head and said, "Flappy Bird, why are you being so nice?", Mario asked. "I thought we hated each other; I thought you were trying to take my girlfriend away from me." "I never hated you, and I never tried to take Peach away from you, I was being a good friend to her," I said. "Well, I must have misinterpreted the situation," he said. "Yeah, that happens," I said. "Want me to take you to the tree?". "Yes, yes, of course," he said. "I don't want to fall on my head again." "I'll take you there, then," I said.

A/N: Ooh, I didn't see that coming! Anyways, sorry for the lack of updates. I'm working on a new book. If you want, I could give you guys a little sneak peek.

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