Chapter 10. Whoops..

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The soft sniffles of Kid filled the room, first spreading to the scythe's ears. Oh, my death. . .I really hurt him. . . "Kid?-"
"Shut up and leave me alone!" Kid yelled, interrupting Soul. The scythe's tone softened as he spoke once again,"Kid, are you okay? I didn't mean to hurt you. . ."
"Whether you meant to or not, you still did! And you didn't seem to have a problem with it, either!"
"Kid, I was joking around. I didn't realize I had hurt you until you showed me I did."
"Oh, really? And how'd I do that?"
"By slapping me and yelling at me. I saw the tears in your eyes, and I realized that I hurt you. I was only playing a joke, but I didn't realize. . . I'm sorry, Kid." By now, the scythe had crawled on the bed and was sitting next to the boy, his hand placed on the boy's shoulder. The small cries had calmed down a little bit, but Kid still refused to look up, to look at Soul. "Kid, please look at me." The boy refused, keeping his head in his arms, so the scythe placed his hand on Kid's chin and gently lifted his head to face him. Kid's eyes were red and swollen, a few tears still in them, still not fallen. What is Soul doing right now? His hand's on my chin and his voice is much softer than usual. . . "I'm sorry, Kid," With that, Soul leaned closer to the boy, his hand still holding his face. What is he doing? Oh, my death, is he gonna kiss me?! The scythe's lips were getting closer to Kid's, closer and closer, then suddenly, they fell. They fell away when Soul's head leaned onto Kid's shoulder as his arms wrapped around the frail boy's waist. (Did you really think they were gonna kiss?) Kid was surprised by the action, but didn't try to break free of the white-haired's grip. Instead, he just sat there, letting the scythe hold him. "Please forgive me," Soul whispered after a few minutes, letting go of the boy and sitting back up. Oh, my death, this is really uncool right now. Jeez, Soul, what has this boy done to you? "Okay, Soul, I forgive you. But don't do it again," Kid replied suddenly, looking the scythe in the eye. Soul smirked,"Okaaaayyy. . ."
"Soul, I swear if you do it again. . ." Kid trailed off, hoping Soul got his point. Soul smirked and started laughing, laughing so hard that he ended up falling off the bed, still laughing while he was on the floor. "Soul?" Kid peered over the edge of the bed, but to his surprise, Soul wasn't there. "Soul, this isn't funny. . ." Kid muttered as he looked around, the scythe being nowhere to be found. Suddenly, a large weight landed on his back, making him fall face-first into the mattress. And Stein chose just that moment to walk in to tell Kid something. The man froze in the doorway, staring at the two, before saying,"Jeez, how many positions you gonna try?" Both boys blushed madly at this statement,"Anyway, Kid, you're cleared to go home whenever." With that, Stein walked out of the room, somewhat regretting his life choices. "You know, I feel like this is a sign. . ." Soul spoke, getting off of Kid and helping him up. "Really?" Kid inquired, confused. "Nah." The boy laughed at Soul's reply, causing the scythe to laugh as well. Soon, they were both in laughing fits, trying their best to calm down. As their laughter died down, Soul suddenly got an idea, a very devious, mischievous idea. Smirking, Soul started creeping closer to Kid. "S-Soul? What're you doing?" Kid yelped, concerned and confused, staring at the boy slowly creeping closer to him. Suddenly, Soul tackled Kid, making the latter fall backward on the bed. Kid blushed, worried and scared for Soul's sake. "S-Soul?!" The scythe smirked and raised his hands above Kid, startling the boy beneath him. "Tickle time!" Soul yelled and suddenly attacked Kid with his hands, tickling the boy on his neck and chest. Kid couldn't hold back his laughter as he tried to tell Soul to stop, ultimately failing. (Frickin writer's block is ruining this chapter😣) "S-Soul! Stop it!" Kid yelled between laughs, receiving only a smirk in reply. "Never!" Soul continued to tickle the boy until Kid needed air. He stopped for a moment to let the raven-haired catch his breath, then he went back to tickling him, sending the boy into another laughing fit. A few minutes later, Soul stopped once again, and Kid sat up, regaining his breath. "Why'd you do that?" Kid asked once he was calm enough to speak. "Hm?" Soul looked at the raven-haired with a puzzled expression. "Just for fun, I guess. I don't really know," Soul chuckled, confused. Kid smirked, replying,"Ok, so you wouldn't mind if I did it to you?"
"Wait, wha-AAGGHH!!!" Soul couldn't finish his sentence before he was quickly pinned down to the bed, Kid above him. "I feel like Stein's gonna walk in at any second now. . ."
"You're pinning me down, I'm beneath you, any more hints?" Soul smirked, but Kid blushed, quickly getting off the scythe before anything could happen. "Aww, so no tickle fight for me?" Soul fake pouted, sitting up. Kid blushed slightly before replying,"You-You wanted to be tickled?"
"No, I just wanted to be touched by you~"
"Wait, what?!" Soul had a puzzled expression on his face. Did he-Did he accidentally think of that wrong? "I said I wouldn't mind a tickle fight." Kid blushed a dark red, realizing his own mistake. "O-Oh, ok."
"What'd you think I said?" Kid blushed an even darker shade, if that's even possible, and looked down, saying,"N-Nothing. . ."
"Well, it was obviously something cause you're avoiding my gaze and you're blushing." Screw you, Soul. . . (Later, Kid😏) "I just-I don't want to talk about it."
"Well, why didn't you say so? That's fine." Really? That's all I had to say? Kid thought before replying,"Oh. Ok. Anyway, we have some business to attend to. . ."
"It's your turn," Kid smirked before pouncing on Soul, tickling him in every weak spot known. (Please don't think of that wrong.) The scythe was soon sent into a laughing fit, unable to utter a single word. Kid smirked at his helpless victim. "Enjoying yourself, Soul?" All he received in return was more laughs whenever Soul tried to speak. "I'd take that as a 'yes.'" Kid smirked before he stopped, letting the boy beneath him catch his breath. "That was. . .Fun. . ." Soul breathed out, shocking Kid slightly, although he didn't let it show. "I'm glad," Kid smiled, before laying back on the bed, out of breath himself. "Are you tired?" The scythe asked, sitting up to look at the boy. "A bit. Why?"
"You wanna come back to my place?"
"I should really go to my own house. . ." Kid trailed off, looking away. "Alright, Kid. I can tell you don't wanna go back to your own home. The only thing I don't know is why. And I'm not gonna force you to tell me why, but I know you don't wanna go back to your house. So, why don't you stay with me for a little while? Maybe 'til we can get things sorted out with whatever's happening at home." Kid was shocked, completely shocked. H-How'd he know? "It's not gonna be that easy. . ."
"It'd be years or so before we'd be able to get what's happening at my house sorted out."
"Well, then, you'll just be staying that long." Kid looked at Soul with a shocked and puzzled expression on his face, replied,"Y-You'd really let me stay that long?"
"Well, why not? I'm just helping out a friend in need." And possibly more. Kid smiled,"Thanks, Soul. For the offer. But I really should get back to my own home." Soul noticed how Kid struggled to say the word,'home', but he knew he couldn't change the boy's mind. The scythe sighed,"Alright, fine. But I'm going home with you."
"What better way to figure out the reason you don't want to go back then to go there with you? Then, you won't have to explain it to me."
"No, you can't-"
"It's settled then. I'm going home with you. You stay here. I'll be back with my stuff in a few minutes."
"Soul, wait-Aagh!" Kid tried to chase after the leaving scythe, but as soon as his legs touched the floor and he was off the bed, he collapsed, his legs failing him. The scythe was already out the door, so he couldn't help Kid get back on the bed. Instead of trying, the raven-haired stayed on the floor, buried his face in his arms, and began crying softly. He's an idiot! was the only thing that ran through Kid's mind as he continued to cry on the floor, worried for Soul's sake.

AN: And done! Hope you enjoyed that chapter! I enjoyed writing, um, most of it! Except the sad parts. I didn't enjoy writing those, but they had to be there. Sorry. Anyway, back to the point, hope you enjoyed that chapter and are looking forward to the next one!😆Sorry for any mistakes! Stay awesome Fluffies! Peace!✌🏻️

Why Should There Be Life If It's Not Worth Living? (Soul x Kid) [DISCONTINUED]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن