Chapter 15. Shmexy Dreams~

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Soul awoke to the feeling of something falling on his lap, a groan of pain emitting from his mouth as the object had hit his groin, hard. He slowly opened his eyes and looked to his side, only to see Kid wasn't there. Panicked, he looked around until he felt the thing on his lap move. Looking down, he realized that Kid had fallen off his shoulder and was now sleeping on his lap. Soul sighed in relief, reaching his hand up to brush it through Kid's hair gently, enjoying the feeling of the soft locks against his skin. A soft stirring in his lap told him Kid was waking up. At first, Soul hadn't minded Kid sleeping on his lap, but now, with him moving and squirming about in an attempt to get up, it was becoming a bit of a problem. He tried to gently slide out from underneath Kid, but it didn't work. The extra movement and weight only made the problem worse. Surprising Soul, after a few minutes, Kid still didn't sit up. Apparently what seemed like the boy waking up was actually just him moving in his sleep. Great. . . Soul thought. Suddenly, something warm and wet made its appearance on Soul's jeans. The scythe looked down, realizing Kid was sweating, still moving and squirming in his sleep. Must be having a nightmare, or. . . Soul didn't want to think of the other dream Kid could be having, the other possible cause for Kid moving and sweating subconsciously. His second theory was suddenly proven correct when Kid started palming him through the fabric of his jeans. Soul covered his mouth to keep from yelping, or moaning, for that matter. The torturous pleasure continued as Soul tried to keep himself quiet, his jeans becoming extremely painful against his growing erection. "K-Kid. . ." Soul squeaked, trying to shake the boy awake but to no avail. The pleasure coursing through Soul's body, as well as Kid's weight on his lap, kept him from being able to get up, resulting in him being stuck in the same painful yet pleasure-filled position. Soul groaned lowly as Kid picked up the pace, trying to keep his voice quiet. Suddenly, without warning, Kid's hand was in Soul's pants, rubbing his member through his boxers. Kid's thumb occasionally brushed over the tip, squeezing it every now and then. Soul couldn't hold back the loud moan that slipped past his lips as Kid continued his pleasurable torture. What a mistake that was. . . Slowly, the raven's eyes fluttered open, his blurry vision coming to rest on his hand in Soul's pants. His eyes closed again, then, realizing what he just saw, they popped back open immediately. As soon as his gaze landed on his hand again, proving his suspicion correct, he jolted awake and screamed, removing his hand quickly. Soul stared at the boy with wide eyes, speechless. "WHAT THE HELL?!" The raven screamed, his eyes turning to slits as he looked at Soul. "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU WERE DOING?!"
"What?! What was I doing?! What do you mean, what was I doing?! You were the one that did that! You did it in your sleep!"
"What?! No, I didn't! You put my hand there!"
"I did not!"
"Yes, you did! You pervert!"
"Pervert?! You were the one with your hand in my pants!"
"Because you put it there!"
"No, I didn't!"
"Yes, you did!"
"Alright, Kid, we're getting nowhere with this argument. Why don't we check the security cameras?"
"You have cameras in your house?!"
"Yeah, Maka put them up to make sure I didn't do anything. But don't worry, there aren't any in the bedrooms~" Soul purred in Kid's ear, smirking when Kid's face was consumed by the red color. "L-Let's just ch-check the c-cameras. . ." Kid mumbled, looking down. Soul sniggered, grabbing Kid's hand and leading him to the nearest computer, which happened to be in Soul's room. "Alright, this footage will prove I'm right-"
"Or I'm right," Kid interrupted, giving Soul a half-hearted glare. "Yeah, in your dreams. Anyway, watch this here. It's the footage from last night."
"No, duh," Kid scoffed at Soul's reply, crossing his arms as he walked over to where Soul was, soon watching the footage. As the video played, Kid's eyes widened and a dark blush formed on his cheeks, his mind soon recalling the dream he had had. When the video got to when Kid woke up screaming, Soul paused it, looking up at Kid with an 'I-told-you-so' look. "Well, Kid? I'm waiting," Soul smirked, crossing his arms smugly. "Waiting? For what?"
"An apology, duh."
"Why should I apologize?! You were yelling, too!"
"You started it!"
"Fine! I'm sorry! There. Happy now?"
"What?! Why not?!"
"You saw the video, right?" Soul smirked, a mischievous glint in his eye. "Y-Yeah. . ." Kid did not like where this was going. "Well, you see, as you were squirming around on my lap, and then palming and rubbing me. . ." Soul started, his smirk growing wider. "G-Go on. . ." Kid said, although he thinks he knows where this is going. Soul continued, looking up at Kid as he spoke,"You gave me a boner."
"S-So? Go fix it in the bathroom or something," Kid blushed, averting Soul's mischievous gaze. "Hm. . ." Soul thought for a moment,"Naw, I want you to fix it."
"What?!" Kid yelped, stumbling backward a bit before landing butt-first on the ground. (Yes, I just said that...) Soul smirked at Kid's reaction. "You heard me. You caused the problem, you're fixing it."
"I was sleeping! I can't control my actions in my sleep!" The mischievous glint in Soul's eyes grew, and so did his smirk. "Unless. . ."
"Unless what?" Kid was almost afraid to ask. "Unless you tell me what your dream was about." Great. I either get rid of Soul's boner, or embarrass the crap out of myself. Frickin' perfect. Kid thought as every detail of his dream replayed in his mind, making the frail boy shudder slightly. "Well, which is it, Kid? Sucking me off or telling me your oh-so-shmexy dream?" Way to put it simple, Soul. Kid shook his head at his thoughts, trying to get it out of his mind. After a few minutes, he finally decided what he was going to do. . .

AN: And I'm gonna leave it there.😈 Cause I feel like being evil today. Mwahaha!😈😂 Sorry, I've always wanted to do that. Anyway, yeah, I felt like that was a good place to leave a cliffhanger, so I did. Anyway, hope you enjoyed that chapter, and sorry for any mistakes! Imma shuddup now!😅😂 Stay awesome Fluffies! Peace!✌🏻️

Why Should There Be Life If It's Not Worth Living? (Soul x Kid) [DISCONTINUED]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora