What's wrong with you?!

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Mary's POV. I'm about to kill that boy! Perrie fell asleep just a few minutes ago so now I set out to find Zayn. I looked on Twitter to see a particular trend. #Zayndrinkssorrowsawayinpub was trending. I looked to see one had an attachment. I looked and noticed that it was a link to the story. I read "Zayn Malik of one direction was seen downing multiple shots in a popular local pub. Zayn was seen walking in with a tear stained face. What's got this popstar down in the dump? This reporter is determined to find out what has this 1d member downing his sorrows." I frowned and looked to see a picture of Zayn walking into the pub with puffy eyes and then one with him downing multiple shots of some drink. I focused and noticed it was the pub down the road from Perrie's flat. I am furious with Zayn. I got dressed in a cute high waisted white flowy skirt that reaches mid thigh,a beigh tank top,a cute belt on my waist,and a pair of flats. I don't really like tight and revealing clothes. I brushed my hair and ran to my car. I got in and drove to the club. I walked up to the bouncer and because he's my cousin he let me in. I thanked him and started looking for Zayn. I found him by the bar taking shots. I walked over and tapped on his shoulder. He turned around looking drunk. "Zayn! What the heck?! Why did you do that to Perrie?! She cried her eyes out because of you!"I yelled at him. Zayn frowned. "I'm not good enough. The baby deserves a better dad than me."He said sadly. I immediately softened when he said that. "Zayn,listen. Perrie loves you with all her heart and I know you love her back. You're gonna be an awesome dad and even if you weren't time can't be turned back. Drinking won't help! Go show Perrie how much you love her. I don't care if she's asleep and gets angry at you. Do it anyway. I'll drive you back. Now let's go show Perrie that you care."I told him helping him stand up.He smiled at me before I helped him stumble back to my car. I helped him get in before buckling him in and walking to the drivers side.I buckled up and drove back to Perrie's flat quickly. I helped him out of the car and into Perrie's flat. I helped him into Perrie's room and pushed him in before walking out and closing the door behind me. I hope they can work this out. They're a really cute couple! I left Perrie's flat before driving back to the flat. I was about to walk in but I noticed an envelope addressed to me laying at my feet. I opened it to see a letter. Reading it made anger build inside of me. "Dear slut, I know you love your dumb friends so I took the liberty of having my men capture them. If you come back to me I'll let them go but if you don't they're all dead. Make good choices slut. The people who you love lives depend on you. From,your uncle. What do I do? I have to help them but what do I do? I've finally decided. I know what I have to do. Walking inside I grabbed Harry's phone that he must have left on the counter. I carefully dialed a number I haven't called in years. UNKNOWN POV. "Please stop!"the guy in front of me pleaded. My phone started ringing and I noticed it was Mary. Throwing Jessica the gun I told her to shoot him. I walked out answering to hear an old but familiar voice asking for a favor. I smiled. "Anything for my favorite girl"I told her. We made our arrangements and decided where to meet. This should be fun I thought smirking. A/N Who is the person Mary is getting to help her? Do you like it? :) Sorry that it's kinda short. Please comment,vote,and fan my lovely CARROT PEOPLE minions who are awesome

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