Judgement Approaches

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Chapter 7

"Miss, the day of the flower show is here. Let's make you as beautiful as possible. If there's a male judge, and there usually is, it can't hurt."

"Alice, you're probably right. Men can be such silly creatures. All they're interested in is a pretty face, an ample chest, and someone who can say "yes, My Lord, and No, My Lord."

Alice shrugged. "It's the way of the world, Miss. Now, I think pulling your hair up into ringlets would be suitable."

. "Alice, today is a very important day for me .I've totally ruined my chance at a marriage to Lord Warwick. I just have to win that flower show, so I can help Mother. If have to pretend to be a woman who is only here to please men, then so be it."

"Just smile a lot and don't speak too much. Men like that."

Pandora sighed. "You're probably right. I'll try my best to be a demure lady, a lady who is a credit to the ton."

"Being a part of the ton isn't that bad, Miss. It's something someone in my class dreams of being."

"I suppose you're right. So if I have to smile like a grinning idiot that's exactly what I'm going to do. I'm going to win that prize and hand the money over to Mother."

"That's very kind of you, Miss."

"I have to redeem myself to my mother. I'm not the only person in the world who exists."

Alice looked fondly at her mistress. "I think everything will work out fine, Miss."

"Now the dress." Pandora walked to her closet. She chuckled to herself. "When I was about to meet Lord Tristan Royce, I wanted the most demure dress I could find. Now, I'm back to where I started from, except..." Pandora fell silent. Alice looked at her mistress curiously, but didn't say anything further.

Pandora continued. "Except that now I have found out what a scoundrel Lord Royce truly is." Pandora shifted her attention onto choosing her dress. She riffled through many dresses, until she focused on a pink confection. She held the dress up to herself. "Alice, what do you think of this?"

She clasped her hands together. "You'll look very sweet in that, Miss. You're sure to catch the eye of a proper gentleman in that dress."

"Yes, I shall look dainty and demure, all words to mask what men truly want, a woman who agrees with whatever they say."

"If a woman can catch a suitable husband that way, then I suppose it is a good thing to be that way."

"I suppose so." After Alice helped her into the dress, Pandora glanced at herself in the mirror. The delicate white flowers which dotted the pale pink background, truly made Pandora look ethereal. The white eyelet trim added an air of innocence to her whole ensemble. She then quickly placed her attention on to other matters. "Now, Alice, it's time to go to the show at the Langton estate. My rose has already been delivered and is waiting to be seen."

Pandora waited with her mother for their carriage. The carriage pulled up to the front of the house and they both got in. "You look lovely, Pandora."

"I hope so, Mother. I do so want to win this show."

"Even if you don't, it's a way to get you out and seen. Many a match has been made at a flower show. Of course, I'd much prefer if you were showing a more garden variety rose, but...."

"Mother, I know I will win this show. No one could possibly have a rose as fiery as mine."

"Yes, but perhaps the fiery kind of rose is not what the judge wants."

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