Playing both sides

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It was decided that I would spend Sunday with Harry, so the next morning I woke up, rolled out of bed, showered and picked up my phone. He awnswered after two rings "Hey Liam" I collapsed onto my bed, "you want to hang out today?" he gasped "Liam Payne actually wants to spend a day without Zayn Malik! what is this world coming too?!?" I rolled my eyes by now I was used to his cracks about how much of my time is devoted to Zayn but it's just because he's the best friend I've ever had and I feel comfortable with him "Hahaha that's never gonna get any less hilarious, now answer my question" I rolled my eyes at how he was laughing at his own joke "yeah that sounds great...Mario Cart at yours?" I smirked "be prepared to lose pretty boy" "In your dreams Payne." He was still giggleing to himself when I hung up.

I got up and threw on a white tank top and an open button up plaid and was headed downstairs when my phone buzzed..

From: Z         He agree?

To: Z                Yeah easy as Pie....

From Z      Cake Li, peice of cake....

To: Z        I prefer Pie

From Z         I know... try to get him to talk about Louis as much as you can we need to feel out what he knows, what he suspects, and how he feels in return....

To: Z      I know Zayn I was present for the entire conversation yesterday

From: Z    Just making sure and Li?

To: Z    yeah?

From Z     When you're done.....come to mine......I miss you..... :/

To: Z             Of course

I walked downstairs still smiling at his eagerness, I could never fully understand how Zayn managed to make me feel like I had to be with him all the time but I just did it honestly wouldn't surprise me if after we moved out of our parents house, we moved in together me and Zayn got on amazingly and it would just make sense to live togther in college.

I walked into my kitchen and my mom was cooking something that smelled oddly appeatizing, (my mom usually has the same ability to cook as a baby lizzard so I was surprised) "Mum, what exactly are you making over there?" I tried but I couldn't keep the waryness out of my voice "I'm cooking by a recipie I found online for some cookies after all your sister has that camp social thing she does today" I nodded remembering that Nicola had her camp's bake sale today but honestly I was surprised she didn't do it herself Nicola of all people knew mum was a terrible cook "Why isn't she doing this herself?" mum laughed "She's dolling up Ruth for her date she has tonight" I rolled my eyes as I remembered that my other sister was having her first real date tonight "Oh fun...." the sarcasm in my voice was blatantly obvious and mum turned around and ruffled my short hair "She'll be fine quit worrying Liam" I nodded "Harry's coming over today, he seems to think he can actually beat me at Mario Cart" Mum laughed "You would think with the number of times that he has lost he'd have given up by now" I plopped down into a chair "Yeah right mom he's Harry Styles if he wants something then he's gonna fight until he gets it no matter how stacked the odds are against him.. you know that." She nodded sitting down beside me "Too bad he's terribly unobservant..poor Louis" I blinked in shock "How'd you know about that?" She patted my leg "it's blaringly obvious..." and I thought I heard her mumble something that sounded an awful lot like "Harry isn't the only blind one" but I couldn't be sure, at that moment the doorbell rang and I heard Nicola run down to get it.

"Oh my god it's one of Liam's friends that....isn't Zayn!!!" her voice held the same sarcastic teasing quality that Harry's had earlier and I rolled my eyes again. "Yeah, yeah I get it I spend more than my fair share of time with Zayn will you leave me alone about it now?" I asked as I entered the front room, both Harry and NIcola were leaning against the wall laughing "You know my life would be no fun if I didn't get to pick on my friends" Harry shrugged as Nicola headed back to Ruth's room. I arched my eyebrow "Well I could say the same about you and how much time you spend surgically attached to Louis" he stopped laughing and I might have imagined it but I could have sworn that he blushed, "Yeah I guess you could, let's play" he nodded toward my PS3 I smirked "You know you are going to lose again right?" "Yeah you're probably right but I have to try and maybe someday I'll actually win" he flashed his trademark smile that made girls (and apparently Louis) blush and lose coherency in their speech as he set up the game.

Let's Play A Love Game *A Larry Stylinson fanfiction* *AU*Where stories live. Discover now