My wake up call

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After I left Liam's my thoughts centered around Louis all the way home. When I pulled in I was so preoccupied that I almost ran over my mum's garden...I don't think she'd let me live if I did that.... So I pulled my brain back together long enough to park then go inside, acknowledging my sister, Gemma, on the way down the hall to my room. Once I was layed out across my bed I allowed myself to remember the day I realized I loved Louis....that day was a wake up call from hell... the realization hit like a freight train to my chest and the pressure hasn't let up since. I remember that day like it was yesterday even though it was over a year ago, we were at the bowling alley in Doncaster for to celebrate some stupid thing that Louis made up because he wanted free food.



I kicked open the door of Gemma's car when she dropped me off for whatever stupid plight Louis decided he wanted to celebrate this time, I didn't know or care what it was because last time he was celebrating the fact that he graphitized the girls locker room and didn't get suspended. After I watched Gemma pull away I turned to face the bowling alley, Louis really is lucky that he's my best mate, I truly detest bowling. I walked in and immediately was tackled by a small body that I hadn't seen coming but by the weight of his head against my collar bones I knew it had to be Louis no one else I knew was quite that short or energetic. I collected myself enough to wrap my arms around him and hug him until he got all of his desire to cuddle me out of his system, that was something I'd gotten used to years ago Louis was just naturally cuddly if I wasn't constantly touching him in some way he freaks out a little's a bit odd but I got used to it and now it's weird if he doesn't attach himself to me as soon as I'm in his arm's length.

Once Louis stood back up and pulled away from my chest he wrapped one small arm around my waist and pulled me over to the table where Liam, Zayn, Niall and Ed all sat together (Niall and Ed weren't an item yet so it was just desperate flirting on Ed's part and complete obliviousness on Niall's) "Hey guys" I smiled as Louis pulled me into his favorite spot for me (his lap) and made himself comfortable with his arms around my waist and his head resting on top of my shoulder. A couple of men from across the alley were glaring at us but by now we were used to it, we were really clingy best friends and to some people it looked as though we were more than that. I loved seeing people like that squirm so I nuzzled back into Louis, while Liam set up the game, "What are you doing Haz?" I turned my head and buried my nose in his neck so that it looked like I was kissing him "We got some pissed off homophobes in the left corner of the bar and you know how I am about those assholes" Louis giggled and began to play along he let his fingers trace up my stomach and I let out an exaggerated giggle, quickly glancing up at the men as I did so, they were glaring with disgust on their faces. I returned to my little play and I twined my fingers with Lou's as his moved up over my pecs and bit at his ear. He whispered to me "Go get me a soda I'll play some music" I nodded and stood, he slapped my ass and the guys at the bar looked personally offended. By now Niall was red in the face from trying not to laugh and when he failed he buried his face in Ed's shoulder to muffle the sound, causing Ed to blush furiously and wrap a protective arm around him.

I approached the bar and by the time I got there the men were looking positively outraged but Greg, the bar tender, was used to this game that we always played so he played along. I batted my eyelashes "hey sweetheart the boys and I need Pepsi's on Ice, you think you can do that for me love?" I placed my hand on the bar and winked at Greg flirtatiously he slid his hand on top of mine, flicking a quick look in the direction of the men who by now were red in the face with anger, he giggled sounding like a teenage girl "I can do anything you want me to Mr. Styles" he winked and blew me a kiss as he turned to make our drinks. I turned and headed back to our table "Just bring them please Love?" Greg threw a nod and with a very gay looking strut went back to making our drinks.

When I got back to our area Louis set the final part of our joke into motion as Buck Cherry's Crazy Bitch began to blare through the speakers he wrapped his arms around my waste and began to grind his hips into mine. I swayed with his body easily, placing my hands on the curve of his back just above his ass to pull him closer and when I dropped my hands further to grab a handful we heard the distinct sound of barstools hitting the ground and a few seconds later the door slammed. Everyone else in the alley busted into laughter and applause. Louis and I took our bows and as I looked over at him smiling up at me, my hands still firmly around his waist it hit a load of bricks to the heart, I had been falling for awhile I just didn't want to admit it but in that moment I couldn't think of anything other than him and I was over come with the need to be as close as possible. I tightened my grip around his waist and yanked him into my chest, he grunted in surprise but otherwise didn't protest to the closeness. I breathed in his scent and let myself feel the warm weight of his body...I'd never been so content to not move.

I didn't bowl that day I just held Louis and when it was his turn and he got up from my lap my heart felt empty but I immediately felt better when he always returned with a smile on his face.

~End of Memory~

It's been like that since I feel empty when I'm not holding him and it hurts so I spend as much time with him as I can because essentially I am a selfish and masochistic person I want him around but I know that he'll never be mine so I continue to hurt myself for my own comfort if that makes any sense. As I drifted into a nap my dreams once again flew to that safe little beach with just me, the sand, and my Loubear.

AN: Ok so that's the next part I hope you all liked it :D

Gives Oreo



Let's Play A Love Game *A Larry Stylinson fanfiction* *AU*Where stories live. Discover now